Tag Archive for digestive enzymes

Supplements Supplements Supplements!

11225426_837045249726296_7631522987210496314_oHi There!  Here’s yet another homemade photo for my blog:)  Professional photographer, I am not.  This is Mark and I SUPping ( StandUpPaddleboard) on Lake Frederick yesterday.  We’ve supped almost every weekend since July, and we’re getting really good!  Our goal is a SUP vacation next summer, and also to get to know all our Virginia Parks, Rivers, and Lakes.

Today’s Post isn’t on fun activities though, it’s on supplements, because I get asked about them all the time.

Supplements sound promising, but when faced with the options in a store, feel confusing.  That’s because they are!  We need to make sure that the supplement bottle we buy actually contains the supplement we need, and nothing else.  ( Read The Labels!  Artificial colors? Flavors? Sweeteners? Read. The. Label.)

And it matters to me that my supplements are derived from Real Whole Foods in the United States, and not Petroleum Products from China.  It’s a whole big supplement world out there, and it’s a good idea to have at least a little knowledge if you’re using them.

For the most part, I use Biotics supplements, and I recommend them to everyone I work with, and my whole family.  Here’s why:  I know my rep; I know Biotics uses real, quality ingredients; I know they produce everything in the US; I know they SUBMIT EVERYTHING TO THE FDA.

That’s super rare.  It costs a fortune, and most supp companies don’t do that step.  Studies show that 90% of ALL supplements are “made in China”, from petroleum products.  That’s disgusting.

Okay, here’s my routine, and why:

First thing in the morning on an empty stomach, I take 6 Intenzymes and 3 Bromeleins (both are systemic enzymes for inflammation and viscous blood – bc I’m often sore, and I have had 2 blood clots), 2 GTA Forte ( I tested hypothyroid a few years ago, and I like this desiccated pig thyroid product better than Armor, and wow! it works!  My eyebrows have grown back in!), and 2 L-Tyrosines – I started this 2 summers ago for energy after reading The Mood Cure by Julia Ross. I love energy!.

If I’ve injured myself, or I’m extra sore, I take more enzymes both in the morning, and throughout the day, always on an empty stomach. They work wonders, honestly.

Systemic (and Digestive) enzymes are FANTASTIC.  I think they’re the one supplement I wouldn’t give up.  If you’re curious, either meet with me, or ***learn about them.  Actually, even if you’re a client, learn about them.  It’s so important to be informed as to how our body actually works.

After breakfast, I take between 2 and 4 Omega-3 fish oils, (depends on my workouts, and my schedule.  I used to take a lot more but feel I’m more “normal” now), a Vit B with C, a Co Q 10, and from there, it varies.  This summer I flew a few times, so I took a supplement called BioProtect, which is a broad spectrum anti-oxidant.  Airports and planes pump us full of radiation; this isn’t good for anyone, but apparently 1 in 20 of us actually have genes that make us even more susceptible to radiation than others.

Last night, and for the next few days, I’m taking “A.D.P.”, which is a standardized extract of emulsified oregano because I feel a sore throat coming on.  This is a supp I recommend all the time for bacterial, viral, or fungal/candida issues.  I make sure that my kids all have A.D.P. for the winter time/cold/flu/sore throat season.  It’s powerful.  (I also did my go-to Manuka honey w/garlic last night.  I don’t wait around to see if things get worse, I act.)   And right before bed, I rubbed a little Eucalyptus Essential Oil on my tonsils, armpit, and a swipe inside my cheek (it tastes disgusting…).

If I’m tired during the afternoon, and have an appointment or training at night, I’ll take 2 more L-Tyrosine’s on an empty stomach.

If I’m super sore, I’ll add L-Glutamine in the afternoon.  (L-Glutamine’s also great for rebuilding gut lining/repairing leaky gut.)

Oh! I’ve also been taking Bio-Immunozyme (broad spectrum vitamins, minerals, enzymes, glandulars, plus herbs like echinecea) for the past few days, again, because I’ve felt a little something coming on. This is in combination with a busy week that gave me a couple late consults and early, early mornings. Recipe for a weak immune system.

I take digestive enzymes ( Hydrazyme ) and HCl (stomach acid)(Betaine + HP) if I have a big meal, or am teaching a class/training someone right after I eat.  I used to have to be religious about digestive supplements with each and every meal, for years, but not so much anymore.

I digest really well now.  Oh!  I’ve been adding Apple Cider Vinegar to 99% of all my water for about 4 years.  That’s GREAT for digestion, plus cheap and easy and delicious.  Get it “with the mother”, and make sure you shake it before you pour it.

In the evening I take 2 supplements that aren’t from Biotics, but from Dr. Carolyn Dean, who’s a big authority on Magnesium, which I believe EVERYONE should be supplementing with.  They’re called ReMag (liquid magnesium), and ReLyte (liquid multi-mineral). There’s other great magnesium’s on the market, but I like that this one is liquid.  1) Less water to swallow right before bed, and 2) more easily absorbed.

I have all my girls on Biotics magnesium, called Mg-Zyme.  It’s a great product!  I also make sure they all have the complex B with C.  Women go through a lot of B vitamins and Magnesium with their cycles.

Plus, most people are deficient in Magnesium; our body uses a LOT, and our soils – and therefore our foods – are deficient.  Actually, are soils are woefully deficient in nutrients, and getting more so.  Plants get their minerals from the soil….

Do you have gut issues?  Low stomach acid ALWAYS means low B12 absorption (long explanation, but the same cells that make stomach acid also make Intrinsic Factor, and Intrinsic Factor basically gets B12 into our cells).

Actually, gut issues mean you’re probably not absorbing several nutrients.  This is important because OUR BODY IS MADE OUT OF NUTRIENTS FROM THE FOOD WE EAT.  Gas/bloat/indigestion/UC/colitis/IBS….. 1)change your diet 2) add key supplements to heal and seal the gut.

Also, I also Love my tinctures!  I just finished 2 liver tinctures from Herb Pharm: Dandelion and Milk Thistle.  I like to nurture my liver, frequently.  I also use Herb Pharm Liver Tincture, and Biotics Beta TCP and Beta Plus, on a rotating basis.

Whew!  Seriously, that’s barely scratching the surface.  I rotate and change up my supplements throughout the year, depending on season and circumstance.  I’ve already begun accumulating supps to give my kids at Christmas, and will be making homemade Fire Cider and Elderberry syrup soon – Posts to follow:)

For now, if you want to Supplement, do your homework first.  Supps from the drugstore and Costco are probably crap.  Ask me if you need help, or go to your trusted health food store ( that’s NOT Vitamin Shop- they’ll sell you anything and everything there).   If you’re in my area, go to Natural Market, the owner, Shelley,  and the employees really, really know their stuff, plus, they sell reputable products.

It Matters A Lot!

Last words:  You can’t out-supplement a bad lifestyle.  Supplements are supplemental to Real Whole Food, adequate sleep, moving, and stress management.

They’re not magical pills or liquids that solve your problems.  They’re supplements.   Have a great day!


Action Plan to End Food Cravings, Forever.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWhether you have a weight issue or not, cravings can be a bear.  Cravings are incredibly powerful; and weight loss with cravings is almost impossible.

What to do?  Here’s several ideas, but first, what creates cravings?  Low calorie diets, low fat diets, and low nutrient diets, fatigue, stress, and habits.  Sound daunting?  If I eliminated my cravings, you can too.

Here’s a Big List of How-To’s:

Get rid of your fear of fat, now.  Fat satiates; and not because it fills you up, which it actually does, but Fat triggers satiety hormones – really!  Fat makes our Brain say, “aaahhh”.

L-Glutamine, an amino acid that helps build Dopamine ( an anti-anxiety neurotransmitter ). L- Glutamine also helps balance blood sugar.  Anxiety and low blood sugar ALWAYS causes cravings. ( I use Biotics, and I LOVE this product. I also take it on heavy leg days, and I suggest it to all my leaky gut clients.  L-GLutamine is used by muscle cells and endothelial cells to rebuild themselves.  It’s a different dosing/timing than when using for neurotransmitter building.)

Stop eating sugar and grains, which trigger hunger hormones and addiction centers in your brain. Sugar is more addictive then cocaine in lab studies.  No one in your house needs this stuff. A little here and a little there?  It just keeps you addicted.   SUGARS AND GRAINS ARE 99% OF ALL CRAVINGS, RIGHT?  No one’s craving broccoli.  Stop buying the stuff.  Seriously.

Hot drinks mid morning and mid afternoon:  Bullet Proof Coffee and Bullet Proof Tea:  organic tea/coffee with (Kerry Gold)  grass-fed BUTTER and (Biotics) MCT oil or coconut oil.   This is delicious, and the fat knocks out appetite and cravings while at the same time stimulating your brain.  (Ditch the Mad Scientist concoctions they sell at Starbucks, they’re loaded with sugar, artificial sugar, and chemicals.)

5 HTP, an amino acid that helps build Serotonin.  We need level moods to not have cravings. Again, I use Biotics brand.****Serotonin builds Melatonin, Melatonin helps us sleep well.  Fatigue is a HUGE inducer of cravings.  I know a couple other great supplements for sleep, email me.

L-Tyrosine, I LOVE this and have used it every day for 18 months.  It’s an amino acid that helps build your catacolamines.  That means it helps with energy ( among other things ), and we often drift to snacking/cravings when tired, right?  ( I use Biotics)

( ****   One of my favorite ENERGY/DON’T SNACK tricks:  mid afternoon tea with a little MCT oil, and 2 tyrosines.  It’s magic. ********)

Digestive enzymes and HCl.  (again, I use Biotics products).  You might have the best diet in the world, but if you’re not breaking down your food so that nutrients can be absorbed, you’re Nutrient Deficient.    Nutrient Deficient people are loaded with cravings.

Probiotics, probiotic foods, probiotic drinks. Cultured and fermented vegetables, keifer, kombucha, and real yogurt. There’s millions more bacteria in cultured food than in any probiotic supplement. If you’re trying to improve health, use the pills along with the foods/drinks, at least initially.    If your gut bacteria is out of whack, you’ll have cravings for sugar, because that’s what Bad Bugs eat.  Candida is a prime example of this. 

Exercise APPROPRIATELY.  If your workout leaves you STARVING, which leads to cravings, you worked out too hard. Dial it back.

Clean your liver.  Our liver plays a vital role in getting nutrients into our cells and “trash” out of our body. But did you know our livers are the BIGGEST source of calorie burning in our WHOLE BODY?  Our heart and brain are next, and then comes our muscles.   A slow, clogged, overworked, exhausted liver craves nutrients. Drink alcohol, take a lot of meds, eat sugar and chemical/processed foods, eat late at night, I guarantee it’s over burdened.  I use a Biotics liver detox twice a year, and 2 tinctures by Herb Pharm every couple of months:  Milk Thistle and Liver Health.

Go on a Ketogenic Diet:  High Fat, Moderate Protein, and a TON of greens and cruciferous vegetables.  This literally knocks out cravings of any kind, honestly.  Check this out for meal ideas and guidelines.  

Stop eating Processed Foods.  They’re created in a LABORATORY and specifically designed to trigger desires in your brain for more and more and more.  Really.  McDonald’s milkshakes and Doritios are NOT delicious food creations, they’re chemical cocktails created by PhD’s to get you hooked.

Eat bigger meals, and ONLY eat 3 times a day.  Multiple ” Mini-Meals” are DUMB. They’re guaranteed to make you (1) hungry (2) have cravings and (3) mentally habituated to eating all day.  Besides, “mini-meals” are a joke; studies show American’s are pretty incapable of actually having a mini-meal; in reality, the multiple mini-meals turn into “too much food all day long.”

( Moms, we  have to apply the “Stop Eating Sugar/Grains/Processed Foods” guidelines to our kids; they’re sugar/carb/chemical addicts.  The snacking, the cravings, the “can’t stop eating”….. we have to HELP THEM develop great eating habits. )

Work on your habits and thought patterns.  It’s all so mental, isn’t it.  This is just about my favorite area when it comes to health. Our subconscious rules over the conscious, always.  If your subconscious is constantly sabotaging your health efforts, get in touch with me.  It’s not Rocket Science, but you’ll need a plan.

My wrap up?  Eat Real Whole Foods, consume plenty of fat, eliminate addictive grains and sugars, use Smart Supplementation, and train your brain to work for you, not against you. Cravings are a sign that your body, your mind, and your hormones, are “off”; they’re not a sign you’re weak.  You don’t have to be a slave to bad habits.  Let me know if you’re ready for help with a food plan, habit change, or supplements. ( The amino acids need to be dosed and taken on a specific time table.)