I’ve been absent for 2 weeks from my blog and it’s killed me! We’ve had 2 big graduations, parties, and extra travel; but the real reason has been that my computer died.
( Pic of our youngest daughter, Shelby, after her HS graduation, with me, and Amanda.)
Well, actually, my computer was killed by a coffee spill:( But I finally have a new one and it’s working and all is well!
All is not well for several women who’ve emailed me in the past 2 weeks, wanting a diet plan that’ll whip them into shape for Bathing Suit Season.
(Pic of me and brother-in-law, Bryan, at the Juvenile Diabetes Walk in DC)
I’ve got “plans”; as that’s my job. But here’s part of my goal: To teach that our thoughts are more important to health and weight loss than a food plan. Honest. Really. It’s true.
Does this sound like you: “I’m so fat, I’m barely going to eat. I’m going to start every day off with either a fast, or a juice. I’m going to workout at least 5 days a week, with sprints! Lunch and dinner will be miniature! Boiled chicken and steamed broccoli! The weight will pour off, and I’ll look just like all the women on the magazine covers by the end of the month. Woo-hoo for diets!”
Reality check: statistically, about 100% of EVERYONE who goes on a diet gains the weight back; more than 50% gain more.
Have you heard the phrase, “Stop the insanity!” ? STOP THE INSANITY! Would the above plan take off weight? ABSOLUTELY! Would it stay off? No.
We’ve got to work on our mind; the mind’s the priority. If we don’t train our mind to work for us, we’ll never stick to a healthy food plan, ever. We won’t even make a healthy food plan; we’ll make a dumb food plan that guarantees failure.
Real health and fitness, being a great weight, is about the actions we take every single day, cumulatively. Little bursts of starvation or action have no positive results.
To stick to a healthy plan, we have to BELIEVE that food and exercise and thoughts matter, that they create us, because they do. They really do.
Bad foods (processed flours and sugars, chemicals, hydrogenated fats) make a bad body and a bad mind. Nothing works right, and I’m not just talking fuzzy thinking or a big butt, which stink. I’m talking Cancer, Heart Disease, Auto Immune Issues, Neurological Problems, Diabetes, Pain, Headaches, etc. You get the point.
( Meg, Shels, Macy, Manda after graduation )
I’m on a mission! Food is Medicine or Food is Poison, and I want everyone to believe that so much that it affects our behavior. This is important. A belief that we need to lose weight is NEVER enough to effect permanent behavior change. Never.
But a belief that Bad Food causes Cancer and Disease, in us and our children, now THAT can cause behavior change.
You know what else Bad Foods cause? Bad decisions. Our thoughts are actually structural. Our thoughts and memories are literally made out of proteins. They’re not little vaporous words floating through our mind, like in a cartoon.
Quality in, quality out.
These protein structures, aka memories, affect our decisions and attitudes. Again, quality in, quality out.
Want productive thoughts that lead to healthy actions? We need to be Intentional and Discipled about our health. To be intentional and disciplined requires knowledge and application. This is where most of us struggle, right? Every single thing we give attention to, that we practice and focus on, grows. If we practice and focus on training our thoughts to lead to healthy actions, we’ll lose weight and get healthy.
Honest. It’s that simple.
But it’s not easy. Most things valuable and good aren’t easy. Should “easy” be a criteria for what we do? Is that what we teach our kids?
The next few Posts I do are going to be on Training Our Brains for Healthy Behaviors – Every Day. Not because I’m an expert at it, but because I’m a student of it. Habits, behaviors, practiced and learned attitudes; I LOVE THAT STUFF!! I can’t get enough of it!
When we train our mind to work for us and not against us, you know what we lose (in addition to weight!)? STRESS. If we believe that what we put in our mouth is going to make us tired, depressed, bitchy, bloated, sick, and fat, then there’s no decision-making-stress when that temptation is put in front of us. A trained mind allows us to easily choose foods that are good for us.
Join me over the next few weeks as I really zero in on developing habits that lead to a lean and healthy body. Anyone and everyone can do this. Let’s commit to becoming the person we’ve always wanted to be.
“Take Control Of Your Habits, Take Control Of Your Life.”
“Successful People Are Simply Those With Successful Habits.” Bryan Tracy
Part 2, with concrete action steps and mind-bending facts, coming soon!