Archive for Looks Healthy But Isn’t

Brain Ammunition and a Looks Healthy But Isn’t

I’m adjusted to being home – because I love my home – but I miss the beach!  Here’s a pic of all the girls in our beach house, 3 are my daughters (1 daughter couldn’t make it) , 2 are friends. That’s Erin, daughter #4 Shelby, me, SaraRose, daughter #1 Megan, daughter #3 Macy.


In case you’re wondering, even when we’re on vacation, we don’t buy chips, crackers, cookies, or any kind of snackie/munchie junk foods to keep in the house “for the kids”.  I don’t buy them cigarettes either.  It’s all poison.

I have some brain ammunition for you today.  Hopefully, this helps cement the notion that food, weight, and health ISN’T about calories;  it’s about the nutrients and ingredients in food and the hormonal and systemic effects they have on your body.  If you keep thinking that food is just about calories, saying no to Bad Foods that call you is almost impossible.  You can always reason with yourself that you’ll somehow make-up for it later.  You can’t, because  every bite has an effect.  Every nutrient or every chemical has an effect.  Sugar, flour, bad oils, chemicals, they have negative effects EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU EAT THEM.  There is no starving away, or exercising away their effects.

Interesting article in The Telegraph that says that even though Britons are eating 600 calories less a day than in 1980, they’re heavier than ever.  It goes on to say they’re eating less red meat, more cereal, and more skim milk than ever, yet weight rises.

I did a post a while ago on Americans that said essentially the same thing.

Folks, IT’S NOT ABOUT THE CALORIES!!   It’s about the foods and the hormones.  High carb foods, like sugars and grains (even Healthy Whole Grains), stimulate the release of Insulin, which is an ANABOLIC hormone; that means it stores and builds.  It’s main job it to shuttle glucose out of the bloodstream and into the cells of the muscles and liver. Unfortunately, our body only wants to store a few TEASPOONS of glucose, so anything over that gets turned into TRIGLYCERIDES and stored in fat cells.

downloadFoods loaded with chemicals, like every processed, refined, restaurant/gas station food out there, STIMULATE your hunger.  They’re CREATED – in laboratories –  to make you want more. As if that weren’t bad enough, these chemicals have various and sundry health destroying effects.

If you eat a diet high in fat and protein, and low in sugars and grains, you won’t have a lot of insulin in the bloodstream, sweeping up excess glucose and making triglycerides.   Fat (from animal sources, avocados, olives, nuts, etc)  doesn’t stimulate Inuslin production.  Protein stimulates very little insulin production (unless you’re diabetic, which changes everything.).  Nutrients get used – for thousands of jobs –  and Fat gets burned.  Both Fat and Protein trigger Satiety hormones.

Let’s look at a couple “Looks Healthy But Isn’t”, 🙂

Skim Milk:  When the Fat was separated off, so were the fat-soluble nutrients (vit A,D,E and K), ONLY synthetic A and D were added back in. W/o fat, they’re mostly UNABSORBABLE chocolate milk(hence the term “fat-soluble”).  W/o the fat, it’s an odd blueish color, so Skim Milk Powder, full of OXIDIZED CHOLESTEROL, is added to make it look more appealing (even Organic does this); there’s 12.3 grams of carbs, O grams of fat, 8 grams of protein, and just 80 calories per cup.  If low fat/low cal were good for us, we’d have a winner.

But study after study DOESN’T show an association with low fat/low cal and low weight/good health.  In fact, it’s the opposite.  The Harvard School of Public Health studied over 12,000 kids between 9 and 14 and found a correlation between those who drank skim milk and weight GAIN, not weight loss or healthy weight.  Researchers at UVa posted a similar study with similar results just last week.

Fat SLOWS the absorption of milk sugar (lactose) from the gut to the bloodstream, and allows for LESS insulin to be called for.   Fat ALSO signals SATIETY hormones.  We all want Satiety Hormones triggered, or we’ll just keep eating.

How bout low fat ice cream, as in Breyers Fat Free Chocolate?


Honestly, does that look remotely like food to you?  A half cup has 90 calories, 0 fat, and 22 grams of carbs.  BTW, those mono and diglycerides are partially hydrogenated fatty acids, but the company who patented them had them classified as EMULSIFIERS, not fat.  Brillant move on their part.  The “ice structuring proteins” are a fermented yeast product.  Weird.  And the Polydextrose and Maltodextrin are sugar alcohols – known and labeled as potentially causing “stomach distress”.  (This definitely happens to me and I stay away from any artificial sugars now – good bye stomach bloat!) Anyway, here again, no fat to signal satiety hormones or slow the absorption of the sugars into the bloodstream = Weight Gain.  Loads of ingredients that actually STIMULATE  hunger and desire for more.  This won’t in any way help you lose weight or get healthy, just the opposite actually.

If you’re struggling with your weight and/or your health, that means you need to try something different than what you’re doing.  Honestly, if you’re “dieting”, you’ve already struck out.  Low calorie, small portions, high carb-chemicalized foods actually INDUCE you to keep eating and become fat-making machines.  There was an article in the June 25th  Wall Street Journal about the American Diabetes Association stopping a planned 13 year study early because the low fat/low cal diet they had obese diabetics on was actually CONTRIBUTING to heart disease.  Read that sentence again.  Here’s another nail in that coffin: after 9 years of these obese diabetics living on an average of 1200 calories a day (high carb, low fat), the average weight loss was just 13 pounds.  Nine Years, 1200 daily calories, 13 pounds lost.  A lot of food misery for very little benefit.

Ditch the belief system that tells you to starve yourself and over-exercise to lose weight and fight disease.  It’s not true.  You need fats, proteins, tons of vegetables, some fruit, some nuts and seeds, and some dairy. You need to space out your meals and not eat all day.  You need foods that supply the nutrients your body uses, and you need to stay away from the sugars, grains, bad oils, and chemicals that cause weight gain and disease.    You need to eat Real Whole Foods, and so do your kids.

How To Lose Weight and Starbucks LowFat Goodies

shocked monkeyAlright,  I’m always on the “don’t go on a diet” bandwagon, “diets don’t work”, “studies show that almost 100% of everyone who loses weight on a diet gains it back”, blah blah blah.   I’ve touted eating healthy proteins and fats, tons of vegetables, some fruit/nuts/seeds/dairy, and NO grains or sugar.  I still get asked how to lose weight when there’s no dieting involved. I’ve also been asked about Weight Watchers, the Lean Protein Diet System, and Juice Cleanses/Fasts, as a means to lose weight.

Here’s the answer.  “Dieting” is an Industry.  Last year, between diet foods, diet drinks, diet pills and diet programs, Americans spent billions, and got heavier and sicker.

“Dieting” is a business, and everyone is selling it, from the drug store to the health food store to your doctor.  “Buy this product”,  “Buy this plan”, and you’ll lose weight.   It’s not true, and it never has been.  Again, the studies show this.  But do you need a study to believe that?

Ask yourself, how many times in the past have you lost weight?  I had a woman tell me that Real Whole Food didn’t appeal to her, and she was going to try Weight Watchers – AGAIN – ** because it had worked for her before!!!**  If you lost weight, and couldn’t keep it off, I wouldn’t count that as “worked”.  I would look at that as a “didn’t work”.

Media and Advertising have hypnotized bazillions of people into believing that losing 10 pounds in 10 days or even a month is possible if you use a special product.   Unless you are VERY VERY overweight,  It’s Not.  Not permanently at least.   There are no magic pills, or magic drinks, or magic foods, that will melt off your fat.  While I believe in the power of fasting or cleansing for your liver and organs, I’ve never known ANYONE who lost FAT doing a fast or a cleanse.  Making yourself go to the bathroom a little more due to laxatives DOESN’T PULL ANY FAT OFF YOUR BUTT, THIGHS, OR STOMACH.   Using stimulants doesn’t change your eating habits or pull the fat off either.   No concoction of cayenne, syrup, and lemon will make fat cells spill their contents.

If you need to lose weight and you want to get healthy (because Food is 100% connected to your physical and mental health.)  it’s about your day in day out habits. How to stick to a plan for life?  Two things:

1)  Eat Real Whole Foods.  Get rid of the grains, sugars, and chemicals.  Eat plenty of Fat andcavepeople Protein and Vegetables – they contain the Nutrients that Build Your Body and Mind.  They Trigger Satiety Hormones. They satisfy your brain chemistry.  They Keep Cortisol Low. They keep your Thyroid humming.   Space your meals out to 3x a day, and hormones will be released that compel Fat Cells to spill their Fatty Acids and Triglycerides, and they’ll be used to fuel your body.  Keep the Carbs low, and Body Fat will be burned.

If you eat Grains and Sugars, then they have to be used for Fuel INSTEAD of body fat.  Excess Glucose/Blood Sugar is DEADLY to the body, and a priority of the body to GET RID OF. Fat, believe it or not, is NOT a priority to get rid of.  God gave us the capacity to STORE TONS OF FAT.   Our body actually turns ALL THE EXCESS CARBOHYDRATE INTO BODY FAT.

Here’s an interesting fact:  Our bodies can store OVER 40,000 calories as Fat, but only about 2,000 calories as Carbohydrate.  Our body doesn’t WANT to store carbs or keep carbs; our body turns excess carbs (more than a few TEAspoons!) into Fat.   Let that soak in and then consider Main Stream Nutritional Advice to eat several serving of Whole Grains and other starchy foods EVERY DAY.  That doesn’t make any sense!

2) Become aware of what processed, refined, sugar/grain/chemical laden foods do to you.  Here’s one:  Starbucks Reduced Fat Cinnamon Swirl Coffee Cake.  Here’s the scoop on this disaster:  340 calories/slice, 62 grams of Carbohydrate!!  That’s 13 teaspoons of starbucks coffee cakeGlucose/Blood Sugar!!  Your body can accommodate 3 or 4 (ish) teaspoons at any one time, a little in the muscles, a little in the liver, a little in the blood – the rest get repackaged into triglycerides and fatty acids – and STORED in the fat cells.   There are a MINIMUM of 65 ingredients ( flavors, colors, scents,  and additives don’t have to list all their ingredients), 15 sources of carbohydrate; hydrogenated fats, soy, food colorings, and more.

Think about this:  It’s called “Reduced Fat”, but do you really think eating food products like this could help you lose any weight at all?  No.  Could this have ONE positive effect on your physical or mental health?  NO.  This junk makes you sick, overweight, and depressed, and ***it stimulates your brain and gut to WANT MORE****,  NO satiety hormones are triggered at all.

Back to “How to Lose weight”?  Practice, think on, meditate on, read about, focus on the connection between every single thing you put in your mouth and your health, your weight, and your mood.  Our body builds itself from the nutrients we feed it.  Quit thinking of food in terms of calories.  Become a Nutrient Seeker.  Space out your meals.  Look at your habits and patterns, do you need to change them?  Email me if you need help establishing meal plans or habits and patterns that lead to good health and optimum weight.  You can get off the Diet Roller Coaster.  You can feel energetic and positive.  You can reverse poor food induced health conditions.  Don’t wait another day.

Question and Answer Day

I’ve got some questions that aren’t personal, just nutritional, and good, so I’m going to answer them here instead of replying to the specific posts.

eating ice creamThe first one was “what do I think of the Glycemic Index”?   A little FYI, the Glycemic Index rates how quickly 50 grams of the glucose in a food goes from mouth to blood stream, and it’s referring to the effect that those foods would have on blood sugar and insulin.  The standard of measure is 50 grams of table sugar, or white bread,  (Fifty grams is about 10 teaspoons.), this reference food  is given an arbitrary value of 100.  The GI value of a specific food is expressed as a percentage of that arbitrary rating.  The higher the percentage, the greater the surge in blood sugar.   Diabetics are encouraged to use the GI scale to determine which foods are safe for them.

I’m not crazy about the GI scale and here’s why.

50 grams of a food is a LOT, that would be 10 to 12 carrots, to give you a visual.  The scale rates homemade ice cream as LOW (1 -39%), table sugar and spaghetti as MEDIUM (40 to 69%), and carrots, watermelon, and corn as HIGH (70 to 100%).  The ice cream got the low mark because the fat and protein in it slow the absorption of glucose from the intestine to the blood stream, but ice cream is NOT a good food for diabetics or anyone trying to lose weight. Spaghetti, which gets a MEDIUM, and therefore a “kind of okay” nod, is NOT okay for diabetics or anyone trying to lose weight; it’s too many carbs, most of which will be turned into triglycerides (unless you’re a young, male, athlete).

Carrots, corn, and watermelon, Real Whole Foods loaded with vitamins, minerals, and FIBER, should be included in our meals because they contribute to the nutrients our body needs for repair, maintenance, and thriving.

Foods/carb foods,  eaten in the context of a MEAL that contains fat and protein, as opposed to by themselves, ALWAYS absorb more slowly – and that’s a good thing.  We want our blood sugar to absorb slowly as opposed to quickly and causing a high blood sugar that needs to be met with high insulin.

High blood sugar and High insulin are DAMAGING to the body:  nerve cells on the extremities, the organs, the eyes, the skin, the brain, and the arteries take a HIT.   The amount of inflammation this causes is deadly.  Excess blood sugar, of which our body needs VERY LITTLE, gets turned into TRIGLYCERIDES, and mostly deposited in the abdominal area.

I think a much better way to “pick your foods” is to look at Nutrient Density, which you’re ONLY going to find in Real Whole Foods.  Pasta and bread have little to no nutrition; the high carb count causes just about everyone to convert at least part of those carbs to fat; and there’s little to no satiety from foods that are so highly processed.

Next, I was asked if Expeller Pressed Canola Oil is okay for salad dressings.  Canola oil is a tricky thing.  It’s an Omega 6 oil, which most of us get way too much of in relationship to the amount of Omega 3s we consume.  We should consume O6:O3 at a 3:1 and some say a 1:1 ratio.  In the US, we’re waaayyy off that with our high consumption of vegetable oils; garfield saladstatistics say we’re between 10:1 to 20:1.  Not good.  Huge negative implications for our health.  Vegetable oils/Omega 6s are very very delicate and prone to damage with any kind of heat and oxygen, this is why cooking with them is a bad idea.  Expeller pressed means “not heat extracted”, which is good; but it’s still an Omega 6, and still prone to damage from the air.  Canola Oil doesn’t have many nutrients or benefits, unlike Olive oil, Walnut oil, or coconut oil.  These oils are very nutrient dense and help that O6:O3 profile.  I say ditch the Canola Oil for an oil that provides more health benefits.

chipotle comicOne more question, about Chipotle;  is it Healthy?  I did a little digging, and I have to say, I’m disappointed.  Their marketing says they want to use at least 50% local and organic WHEN IT”S POSSIBLE.  They are TRYING to source clean meats when Possible.   I like to think they have good standards and intentions, but they are a business, and they do need to turn a profit to keep running.  Let’s call Chipotle a healthier option than other fast foods.  HOWEVER, stick to the meat and vegetables!  Get a burrito, chips, rice, or any other processed grain product, and you’ll consume a boatload of carbohydrate that turns into belly fat.  Make good choices!

Keep the questions coming:)

You Can’t Lose Weight If You’re Hungry; and Gluten-Free

Cultured/Fermented Foods Workshop Friday, June 14th, 1pm. Info Here

im on a dietHave you ever correlated being hungry with losing weight?  Because I sure used to.  I remember in 11th grade, Mrs. Poland, who worked in the office at my highschool, told me that.  I completely and totally took that advice to heart, for about 35 years or so.  She was overweight, I didn’t have a pound to lose in 11th grade, but the impact was immediate.

Here’s the facts on being hungry:  it’s the surest way to SLOW DOWN YOUR THYROID, AND YOUR METABOLISM, that you could possibly find.  Being hungry – really hungry,  is a signal that your body isn’t getting the Nutrients it needs to rebuild, function, and thrive.  It means your brain’s not getting the proteins and minerals to build Serotonin and Dopamine, it means there isn’t enough fat to replenish the 60% fat that makes up your brain, it means that there’s not enough actual amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals to replenish/rebuild the liver cells, the kidney cells, the heart cells, not enough to make more hormones (Every Single Hormone is composed of Cholesterol, or Fat, or Both), there’s not enough nutrients to rebuild/replenish your gut wall, or the collagen in your skin (Hello Wrinkles) or joints (Hello Stiff Joints).  I could go on and on, but get this:  Hunger Doesn’t Equal Weight Loss, Hunger Means Your Body will SLOW DOWN To Conserve The Energy It Needs to LIVE.

What if you’re eating ALL THE TIME, as in 5 or 6 “mini” meals a days, and you’re still hungry??

THEN YOU’RE EATING THE WRONG FOODS.  If that’s the case, you’re probably on the Diethungry:full:hungry Ferris Wheel, eating low cal/low fat nutrient deficient foods that leave you obsessing about the next meal and in a state of Metabolic Slow Down.  This isn’t the road to health, or healthy weight.  Even if you’re thin eating this way, the Nutrient Deficiencies will eventually get you: headaches, dry skin, bad joints, auto-immune conditions, poor immune system, and so on.

How should you eat?  Plenty of Real Whole Traditional Foods:  fats, proteins, tons of vegetables, some fruits, some nuts and seeds, some dairy – if you tolerate that stuff.

I have a page on my Site called What I’m Eating Today.

Here’s what I ate yesterday:

paul newman organic vanilla coffee with raw cream and stevia

I worked out, trained legs HARD, ran around w hubby and did a bunch of errands

lunch:  can of sardines w/greens/ whole big avocado/tomatoes/strawberries extravirginoliveoil/balsalmic,    with my chocolate-coconutbutter homemade treat

gardened for 2 hours, cleaned, made big dinner for a crowd

dinner:  lamb burger w/cheddar, big giant salad w/ oliveoil/vinegar /feta,  roasted potatoes (white and sweet) with roasted onions coated in butter and sea salt

When you eat this much fat and protein, you just don’t get hungry.  I can’t tell you how “freeing” it is to NOT FEEL HUNGRY.  To literally NOT think about food, even though I was highly active.
Here’s the Important Part:  Eating like this Does NOT make you gain weight.  If you need to lose weight, and you eat like this, YOU WILL.  You’ll be nourishing your body, giving it what it needs to rebuild, replenish, and fluorish.    That’s how you get healthy and lose weight (if you need to).

eating bagelLet’s look at a Looks Healthy But Isn’t:  Udi’s Gluten Free Cinnamon Raisin Bagel, Certified gluten free, 16g of whole grain per serving.  45 Grams Carb Per Bagel

Shelf life: approx 5 months  (Real Food Does NOT last this long)

Ingredients: Filtered water, brown rice flour, tapioca starch, sunflower oil, raisins, egg whites, potato starch, evaporated cane juice, tapioca maltodextrin, xanthan gum, tapioca syrup or brown rice syrup, yeast, salt, cinnamon, mold inhibitor (cultured corn syrup, citric acid), enzymes.

NINE sources of starch and sugar, an Omega 6 (inflammation), and chemicals.  This is just a crappy, processed food product that sends your Blood Sugar to the moon, causes inflammation and triglycerides, clogs your liver, and will digest SO QUICKLY, THAT YOU’LL BE STARVING IN AN HOUR OR TWO.   Does this sound like a good plan?  Ditch the diet mentality. It doesn’t work.   Eat Real Whole Food.


Fermenting/Culturing Workshop, and a Looks Healthy But Isn’t

Thanks so much to everyone who attended my Workshops!

germs5secondI’ve got another one scheduled for Friday, June 14th, 1-3pm, on Fermenting and Culturing Foods.  My friend and fellow Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Gina Phelps, who is a certified Cultured Food expert and a certified GAPS practitioner, will be leading it.  She’s got the education and experience to put on a great class.  If you’re interested in learning how to make keifer, kombucha, cultured vegetables like sauerkraut and MORE, put it on your calendar to attend.    Why would you want to?  BECAUSE BENEFICIAL BACTERIA ARE IMPERATIVE TO OUR HEALTH!!  Probiotics from Real Whole Foods are more powerful and effective than probiotics from supplements.

The cost is $30/person, and will be held at the Marshall Community Center.  Well worth your time – I promise.  Email me if you’re interested.

Have you ever heard of Weight Watchers Smart Ones?  It’s a line of frozen meals, guaranteed weight watchersto taste great and make you skinny:)    Here’s the ingredient list for Smart Ones Smart Beginnings  English Muffin Sandwich Canadian Style Bacon (210 calories, 27 g carbs):

English Muffin: (Water, Enriched Bleached Wheat Flour (Wheat Flour, Malted Barley Flour, Niacin, Iron, Thiamine Mononitrate, Riboflavin, Folic Acid), Whole Wheat Flour, Yeast, Degerminated Yellow Corn Flour, Degerminated Yellow Corn Meal, Contains 2% or Less of: Wheat Gluten, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Modified Potato Starch, Soybean Oil, Salt, Vinegar, Fumaric Acid, Calcium Sulfate, Potassium Sorbate, Azodicarbonamide, Soy Lecithin), Egg White Patty (Egg Whites, Cornstarch, Xanthan Gum, Annatto), Canadian Style Turkey Bacon (Turkey Thigh Meat, Water, Salt, Dextrose, Sodium Phosphates, Sodium Erythorbate, Sodium Nitrite), Pasteurized Process American Cheese (Cultured Milk, Water, Cream, Sodium Phosphate, Salt, Lactic Acid, Sorbic Acid, Color Added, Sodium Citrate, Enzymes).


The Average American eats 7 frozen meals a month.  I know I’ve sure eaten my share; I loved how I could have the comfort of knowing exactly how many calories and fat grams I was consuming.  Of course, I was constantly hungry, and had pretty bad stomach issues, but I never connected that to my healthy diet of frozen/ processed/ refined, but very low cal/low fat foods.  Too many people don’t.

So what’s wrong with the Chemical Concoction listed above?  To start with, it has 11 sources of carbohydrate, (did you know xanathan gum is a carb?)  all of which are highly refined and will quickly and easily be broken down to glucose molecules that rush the blood stream as a Blood Sugar High.  Big amounts of Insulin will  be released to handle the onslaught.  High Blood Sugar and High Insulin – some of the most potent inducers of Disease, Inflammation, and WEIGHT GAIN around.

There’s wheat gluten – gluten sensitivities affect ALMOST EVERYONE; annetto – which according to the FDA is one of the top 10 food allergens; sodium nitrite – a potent neurotoxin, that means it overstimulates brain cells; Azodicarbonamide -banned in all of Europe bc of it’s asthma effects, so illegal in Singapore it’s a jailing offense, our FDA has given it a GRAS (generally recognized as safe status); sodium erythorbate – some side effects include headache, fatigue, gastritis, and kidney stones.

There’s also soy and  high fructose corn syrup.

Take all these chemicals, sugars, starches, and Omega 6 oils, and how could we ever be fooled into thinking that processed Diet Foods could possibly help us achieve our health and weight goals?  The effects on our Liver (biggest source of Metabolism), our Hormones (hormones RULE our weight – not calories consumed), our Immune System, our Digestive system, our Cardiovascular system (inflammation from all this junk), our Brain/Mood/Neurotransmitter status – all disastrous!

Eating processed, refined foods, Diet or Not, is a 100% guaranteed way to induce Heart Disease, Diabetes, and Cancer.
The alternative?  Real Whole Foods!  Plan (write it down), Shop, Prep (schedule a couple hours into your week), Cook, Pack:  take back your health and get to a healthy weight, by eating real, traditional foods.   Your body NEEDS proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals to build your organs, your tissues, your hormones, your neurotransmitters, and your brain.  Eat according to the recipe of your body!

germ phobiaOur body also needs to replenish and nourish it’s supply of Beneficial Bacteria as well; did you know that if we’re healthy, we’ll have between 4 and 8 pounds of that stuff in our Colon alone?? Wow!  Great party talk there.  Beneficial bacteria are an integral part of our Immune System, but it’s under constant assault from antibiotics, stress, and poor food choices. Learn the best way to nourish your ” Micro Biome ” in the Fermenting and Culturing Class, Friday, June 14th.




Change The Way You Think About Food, and A Looks Healthy But Isn’t

If you’re going to lose weight and get healthy, it’s a MIND thing;  you have to think about food as a source of Nutrients that Build your Health, and you have to acknowledge that “food products”  Destroy your Health.   Every bite you put in your mouth is doing one or the other.

diecaloriesdieIf you only think of Food as Calories, you’re doomed to the Diet Ferris Wheel Lifestyle – weight going up and down, health being compromised, and compulsive thoughts about food.

Take this “for instance”:

It’s morning, you scramble up two eggs in butter w a handful of basil or spinach, and/or a smoothie w/whole milk yogurt, cranberries, banana and flax seed.    Here’s a couple things this would give you: usable protein for muscles, serotonin, and dopamine; antioxidants to fight free radicals occurring from stress or chemicals or oxidation;  vitamins and minerals – with all their co-factors that allow them to be used and absorbed; fiber, and healthy fats – that build your brain, your heart, your hormones, and every single cell in your body, plus all the co-factors that allow them to be absorbed and used.  Real Whole Foods come with all the nutrients that allow each of the nutrients to be utilized. In addition, your Satiety Hormones and Signals would be TURNED ON.

This breakfast wouldn’t make you gain weight, as a matter of fact, the protein and fats in these foods would take a while to break down – preventing hunger.  The proteins and fats would be utilized by the brain to make neurotransmitters and myelin sheaths, so the brain would be satisfied and happy.   Fats and proteins would be USED AS BUILDING BLOCKS, not stored.  The lack of any fast absorbing carbohydrates would prevent any blood glucose rise, which means No blood glucose fall – no moodiness, and energy levels would be even. Insulin probably wouldn’t be used to process this meal – YEA!! Who wants  insulin coursing thru their body, damaging arteries and organs and nerves?

Compare that to the effects of a breakfast consisting of 3/4 cup Honey Nut Cheerios, with skim milk, which is exactly what Main Stream Health would say is a healthy breakfast.  Here’s the babyeating cheeriosingredient list on the Cheerios:

  GENERAL MILL HONEYNUT CHEERIOS Whole Grain Oats, Sugar, Oat Bran, Modified Corn Starch, Honey, Brown Sugar Syrup, Salt, Artificial Almond Flavor, Calcium Carbonate, Trisodium Phosphate, Wheat Flour, Vitamin E, Zinc, Iron, Vitamin C, Niacinamide, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B1, Vitamin A Palmitate, Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D)

There are 7 sources of sugars and starches, artificial flavors, and synthetic vitamins and minerals.   Here’s a little info on some of them:  Modified Corn Starch has been chemically altered to make it dissolve quickly (because starch doesn’t dissolve quickly enough already?);  tripotassium phosphate only has a GRAS status(generally recognized as safe), it’s commonly used in pesticides, herbicides, cleaning products, and laxatives; and Natural Almond Flavor is a long chemical ingredient list to create an Almond smell and flavor.  There are 23.3 grams of carbs in 3/4 cups, and almost zero fat and protein, which means these carbs will be broken down very quickly, absorb right thru the intestine wall directly into the blood stream.  This is that Blood Sugar UP that I talk about.  No Satiety factors will be triggered.

Oh, the Skim Milk! Touted for decades as a health food, it’s not even close.  Something this “compromised and processed” doesn’t help with your weight either.

Here’s the scoop on Skim:

Before processing, skim milk has a very unappetizing blueish color, a chalky taste, and watery texture that doesn’t resemble natural milk. So, to whiten, thicken, and make it taste a little skimmilkpowdermore normal, powdered milk solids are mixed into the milk.

What’s so bad about powdered milk? Well, in the manufacturing process, liquid milk is forced through tiny holes at very high pressure, which causes the cholesterol in the milk to oxidize, and toxic nitrates to form. Oxidized cholesterol contributes to the buildup of plaque in the arteries, while unoxidized cholesterol from unprocessed foods is actually an antioxidant to help fight inflammation in the body. The proteins found in powdered milk are so denatured that they are unrecognizable by the body and contribute to inflammation.

Shockingly, dairy manufacturers are not required by the FDA to label the powdered milk as a separate ingredient, because it’s still technically just “milk” .

What else is wrong with skim?  Vitamins A, D, and K are in the FAT of the milk, when this is processed to become fat-free, these vitamins are destroyed.  SYNTHETIC vitamins A and D are added back in, synthetic is NEVER as good as real.  Vitamin K is NOT added back in, we need K for our bones and our blood.   There are a BUNCH of minerals in milk, but minerals NEED SATURATED FATS TO BE TRANSPORTED AND USED,  so the calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium could go UN-USED here.

Add the 12 grams of milk carbs, along with the 23 grams from the cereal, and you’ve just had a breakfast that’s 35 grams of Simple, Quick Dissolving, Carbohydrate.  The nutrients are all “added/fortified”, and there’s very litte protein and fat.   Your Blood Sugar will zoom up, and very quickly, Crash Down.  Eat this for breakfast and be starving by mid- morning.  Not a good way to start your day.

Let’s go back to my original premise, start looking at your food in terms of nutrients and what it does to you, as opposed to how many calories are in it.  Calories in – Calories out doesn’t work for weight loss! Dieting doesn’t work for weight loss – studies show that 95 – 99% of EVERYONE who goes on a Diet gains the weight back. So toss that old used gauge out!   Eat foods that create and nurture your health, and if you need to lose weight, you will.  Start training your brain to think differently; learn to, and focus on the benefits  and the DELICIOUSNESS of Real Whole Foods.

Quaker Oats Bars – a Looks Healthy But Isn’t

smores barJust a quick “looks healthy but isn’t” post on Quaker Oats Smores Chewy Granola bars.  Let’s start with the box:  there’s a kindly looking Quaker man picture, the big words “No Trans Fat”, and the happy news that each bar contains “8g of whole grain”.  Looks like that Quaker guy went in his kitchen and cooked these up over the fire.  But he didn’t.
I picked this because Quaker Oats has a very strong connection with all things healthy and pure – but that’s just excellent marketing, not reality.

For example, this particular product has 58 listed ingredients.  I say listed because 3 times it also has “natural and artificial” flavors embedded in the ingredient list.  Who knows how many chemicals it takes to make a marshmallow flavor or scent, or graham flavor or scent?   Some artificial vanilla’s have over 200 ingredients!!

There are 13 sources of sugar.  There’s “honey powder”, what the heck is that?  Bees don’t make that.  There’s modified foodstarch and natural flavors, both of which are  FDA approved names for MSG (the excito-toxin that shrivels and kills brain cells, and causes migraines, bee picseizures, ADD/ADHD, and many other symptoms).  There’s Blue dye #1, which the FDA says is linked to ADHD, asthma, and allergies, – Europe’s banned it!
It’s preserved with BHT – remember that post?

And finally, there’s this ingredient:  sodiumhexametaphosphate.   What in the world is that doing to our body or our brain?
If this is a food product that you think has “diet” potential, because it’s only 90 calories and 2 grams of fat;  or worse, a “healthy snack option” for your child – rethink that.

This is just a little toxic chemical bomb loaded with artificial ingredients and potential side effects.  The foods we eat build our body, they build our brain, they affect our moods, they determine our weight, so we need to choose Real Whole Foods.

Looking forward to seeing you all at the Digestion and Blood Sugar Workshops coming up.  Look here for the info if you’re interested in attending.  Promise lots of motivation, inspiration, and information for getting lean and healthy.

Looks Healthy But Isn’t – Cereal

Oh how I love taking apart “Looks Healthy But Isn’t” foods – and here’s a great one:  Honey Bunches of Oats Greek Yogurt Cereal.

Here’s the ingredients:  Whole Grain Flakes (Whole Grain Wheat, Sugar, Rice, Corn Syrup, honey bunches of oatsWheat Flour, Yellow Corn Meal, Whole Grain Rolled Oats, Malted Barley Flour, Salt, Canola And/Or Sunflower Oil, Honey, Natural Flavor), Greek Yogurt Granola [Whole Grain Rolled Oats, Brown Sugar, Whole Grain Wheat, Rice Flour, Canola And/Or Sunflower Oil, Milk Protein Concentrate, Corn Syrup, Sugar, Greek Yogurt Powder (Heat Treated After Culturing), Honey, Natural Flavor, Lactic Acid, Malic Acid, Citric Acid], Greek Yogurt Style Coated Granola [Whole Grain Rolled Oats, Brown Sugar, Whole Grain Wheat, Rice Flour, Canola And/Or Sunflower Oil, Corn Syrup, Whey, Sugar, Honey, Greek Yogurt Style Coating (Sugar, Palm Kernel And Palm Oil, Reduced Mineral Whey Powder, Nonfat Dry Milk Solids, Greek Yogurt Powder (Heat Treated After Culturing), Lactic Acid, Soy Lecithin, Salt, Natural Flavor)]. Bht Added To Packaging Material To Preserve Product Freshness.

One cup of this stuff is 47 grams of carbohydrate, add a little milk, probably skim because that means skinny(not), and you’ve added at least 6 to 10 more grams of carb;  add a cup of orange juice, and you’re adding another 25 or so grams of carb. (Remember, carbs = sugar = glucose.)   These super easy to digest carbs break down fast, shoot thru the intestine wall, right into the blood stream; the pancreas responds with big doses of insulin, and you’ve started the Blood Sugar Up, Blood Sugar Plummet cycle, and hormonal disarray.   Your brain, your moods, your arteries, your organs, your mid-section – all take a hit.  Not a great way to start a morning.  And I haven’t even mentioned the ingredients yet!

Count and you’ll find 12 additions of sugar, numerous types of grains that contain gluten and other proteins which are difficult to digest and cause bloat, gas, and leaky gut; vegetable oils that are full of inflammation causing Omega 6s; soy (ugh), Natural Flavors (usually MSG laden), and ****  Greek Yogurt Powder (Heat Treated After Culturing), and Greek Yogurt STYLE Coating.

Let’s talk about this for a second.  Obviously, we’re supposed to associate “healthy” with this cereal because of the ‘greek yogurt’.  Real yogurt is a dairy product that’s gently warmed,  has a culture added to it which eats the milk sugars, and grows  beneficial bacteria.  This cereal contains “greek yogurt POWDER” , which was heat treated after culturing: NOT a health food.  Health wrecking.  There are no live cultures, bc any heat strong enough to make a powder killed the cultures.  And assuming the yogurt was actually made from milk, the sources of “yogurt powder” would be OXIDIZED.  Oxidized fats and cholesterol are dangerous and damaging.

Cereals have enjoyed decades of fame as a great way to start your day, or your kids day.  But they’re not.  They’re carbohydrate bombs, usually loaded with additive / artificial ingredients, and they leave you hungry in a couple of hours, with the brain needing a carb-fix to counter act the blood sugar plummet induced by grains and sugars.

cleaneating picBetter options for breakfast?  Leftovers from dinner; eggs with veggies; smoothies;  my breakfast this morning will be 2 hard boiled eggs with pesto.   If you’re used to traditional, carbohydrate laden morning foods, and honestly can’t imagine eating otherwise – but you WANT to get off the carb train, make a plan.  Pull out a notebook, write some ideas on it.  Then shop, prep, cook, and have Real Whole Foods ready to eat or put together (and NO, cereal is NEVER a RWF, it’s a processed, packaged, refined food product.) and start from there.  Changing is a process, not a automatic switch that’s flipped.

Switching from convenience foods to Real Whole Foods has about a million and one health advantages,  but it can seem overwhelming.  And it is… first.  Once it’s a habit, it’s not an effort anymore.   Honestly.  Read, invest some time understanding why it matters that you get off the processed, refined foods, and give your body the RWFs it wants and needs.



funny soyLet’s talk about soy. I know I’ve talked about it before, but wow, this is such a total LHBI (looks healthy but isn’t). It doesn’t deserve it’s mythical status, and a little more bad mouthing is totally appropriate:)

A couple decades ago, when the soy dream hit this country big time, we were all jumping on the band wagion, right? After all, Asians ate it, and they didn’t have menopause! It must be a miracle food!
The scientific evidence against soy has been piling up ever since, but somehow, the word doesn’t get out too well.


Here’s the word:
Soy is disastrous for your hormones and your gut.
Here’s some details:
-female babies fed soy milk have higher rates of harm to their reproductive systems thanks to the soy phytoestrogen, genisin
(btw, a phytoestrogen is a plant substance that mimics estrogen in our body)dog fat from soy
-studies show that testosterone decreases in men who consume soy
-soy accelerates puberty in girls
-soy isoflavones genistein and diadzein stimulate existing breast cancer cells (cells that you don’t always know you have)
-studies show that just 2 tbsp of soy a day, in healthy individuals with ADEQUATE iodine intake, slows thyroid function
(soy is definitely “goitrogenic”, which means it interferes with iodine use by the thyroid gland)
-soy contains Protease Inhibitors. This is big. Protease is an enzyme that digests protein. Our pancreas excretes it into our duodenum/first part of small intestines, and it’s a major step in our digestion. So the protein in soy, and any other protein you eat along with the soy, is rendered largely unusable. The Protease Inhibitors inhibit the breakdown of all sources of protein. Talk about gut disrupting. And nutrient depleting. We need protein, it’s our number 2 building block after water.

Then there’s the problem of undigested soy, and other proteins, continuing south through the digestive system – undigested. Instead of having been broken down into little, usable, amino acids, they’re too big to filter thru the intestine wall into the bloodstream. Destruction follows as the big proteins bust thru the wall, and cause…… Leaky Gut. Big problem, and far more common than you could imagine.

There’s more: soy also contains high amounts – more than any other grain – of Phytic Acid. Phytic acid prevents the absorption of minerals in the gut/use by our bodies. Which minerals? Calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. Oh, guys, zinc is used to make testosterone – let that be another nail in soy’s coffin. To all of us, zinc’s important to immune function, collagen production, and the brain and nervous system.
All these minerals are vital, and deficiency is rampant. With soy being used in about 60% of all processed foods, you can see where this is a big problem.

How does China get away with it? They eat fermented soy. The fermentation process breaks down the phytic acids and protease inhibitors. Americans don’t eat much miso or temph or natto, (traditional, fermented soy preparations). Americans eat tofu, soy milk, soy protein isolate, soy protein concentrate, and other highly industrialized and processed forms of soy.

Still not convinced? Here’s a very detailed article by Dr. Mercola called Why you Should Avoid Soy.

More reasons to Read Your Labels!! It matters what we put in our bodies! The food we eat affects our mood, our health, and our weight. Eat Real Whole Foods.

The Evidence Against Diet Soda – it won’t make you skinny.

How is the Real Whole Food effort going?  Remember, it’s just a journey.  Resolve to evolve:)Today I’m going to write about Diet Soda, and there’s so much information that it’ll be a struggle to keep this short.  If you DON’T drink Diet Soda, there’s still pertinent info here, as artificial sweeteners and phosphoric acid are in many, many food products.

Here’s the gist of it:  Diet Soda is Pure Poison.
Here’s the details, and some surprising facts:  The National Institute of Health and the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition have both recently published the results of huge studies – more than 300,000 people, and longer than 14 years, where they accessed the health risks of Diet Sodas.  So these results are pretty substantial.  And surprising.
  • DIET soda drinkers are 30% more likely to be depressed than regular soda drinkers (surprising)
  • (Coffee drinkers are 10% LESS likely to be depressed than Non coffee drinkers – off topic, but interesting!)
  • Diet Soda increases the risk of Obesity by 200% – you read that right.  200%.  Not a typo.
  • Diet Soda, much more than regular soda, causes intense sugar and carb cravings.
  • Diet Soda has a high correlation to Weight Gain, Stroke, and Heart Disease, more so than regular soda.
  • Diet Soda drinkers drink TWICE as much soda as regular soda drinkers.  (Read: Twice As Many Chemicals)
Please don’t read those bullet point as me giving regular soda the green light, because that stuff’s poison too.  Pure Chemical Concoction . I’m talking about “diet soda”  for a reason:  There is a false sense of security that when we consume foods or drinks that are low in calories, /diet,oh you drink diet soda? we’re doing something good for our weight and our bodies.  If we’re talking about low cal veggies, that’s true.  If we’re talking about low cal Frankenfoods, that’s completely wrong.I bet if you’re a diet soda drinker, you’re feeling a little anxious right now. I understand.  I was addicted for years myself. But it matters that you give it up;  and Moms, it matters that you set the example for your kids.  Again, this stuff is poison.  If your kids see you drinking it, they’ll want to drink it because it’s Delicious and Highly Addictive.Okay, back to the facts.Diet Soda is usually sweetened with one of two sweeteners.   NutraSweet (aka Aspartame), which is a Neurotoxin that overstimulates brain neurons and causes neurological symptoms such as dizziness, seizures, depression, breathing problems, and weight gain.  Studies have linked it to cancer, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, and multiple sclerosis. Aspartame contains methanol, which converts to Formaldehyde.  In the body.  Gross.  NutraSweet  also spikes insulin, that’s your fat storing hormone. The other predominant sweetener is Splenda (aka Sucralose).  Sucralose decreases good gut bacteria by about 50%.  Also, Spenda is made by adding Chlorine to Sucrose;  this creates chemical changes that make this completely unsafe for pregnant women as there’s a link to birth defects and other prenatal conditions, and Chlorinated compounds do have suppressive effects on the Immune System. Splenda/sucralose also spike insulin (more fat storing), and some studies link it to migraines, gastrointestinal issues, and thymus gland damage.  Yikes.All soda, Diet or regular, caffeinated or non-caffeinated,  contains Phosphoric Acid.  Here’s the Diet Soda /  Osteoporosis Link.

Phosphorus is a necessary mineral in our body. The problem stems from OVERconsumption of Phosphorus; the average American consumes at least 3X as much as they need.  Phosphoric Acid is very Acidic (obviously);  Calcium, which we store in our bones, is Alkalizing.  When our blood becomes too acidic from the excess Phosphoric Acid, our bones give up their Calcium to neutralize the blood, or bring it back to Basic.   Have you ever heard of “swiss cheese bones”,  because that’s what can happen when the bones have to constantly give up TOO much Calcium to bring the blood back to homeostasis.

In 2012, the Surgeon’s Generals Report predicted that by 2020, 50% of ALL Americans will have weak bones. Several studies and groups, including the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, definitively link phosphoric acid with osteoporosis.   cartoon of kid in diet soda canNot good for us and Not good for our kids.

  • Phosphoric Acid also creates such substantial changes in your URINE, that Kidney Stone risk is 30% higher.
  • Diet Soda drinkers are 61% more likely to have Heart Disease.
  • Diet Soda drinkers are 34% more likely to have Metabolic Syndrome.
How bout the bullet point that Diet drinkers drink twice as much, what’s the significance there?  Artificial sweeteners are hundreds or thousands of times SWEETER than SUGAR.
What this means is YOU’RE TRAINING YOUR TASTE BUDS, AND YOUR BRAIN, TO LOVE THE TASTE OF  “VERY, VERY, VERY SWEET”.  This is a bad thing. Sugar is Addictive. Artificial Sugars are addictive. Your “taste” for “sweet” will be excessive.  Your bodies desire for carbohydrates, starchy or sweet, will be reinforced and intensified. Does this sound familiar?  Because if it does, and you want to break your Diet Soda habit, I do know a way, other than cold turkey. If you’re good at Cold Turkey, go for it!  If not, email me.

I want to point out that I used the NIH and AJCL studies because they’re well known organizations, and the studies were enormous.  But truly, the amount of studies out there, from different Universities or other scientific groups, confirming that Diet Soda drinkers have a higher risk for obesity and health problems, is big.

Here’s my wrap up:  Even though Regular Sodas are a horrible, unhealthy, pure chemical concoction;  Diet Soda, because of the addition of artificial sweetener, is even worse.   Diet Soda drinkers have a greater risk of Depression, Weight Gain, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Obesity, and Metabolic Syndrome.  The myth of Diet Soda making you skinny, or making you look like Beyonce or Taylor Swift (who are paid promoters), is a Marketing Lie. I feel like yelling “Rage Against The Machine” here:)

Again, if you’re addicted, please email me. Read your labels, drink water, eat meats, healthy fats, tons of vegetables, some fruits, some nuts, some dairy, some seeds and legumes. Choose RWF