Wow! My little post on Thomas English Muffins struck several nerves – good! It’s pretty eye opening when you realize that food you’ve put in your body for (decades?) years, and are now feeding your kids, is toxic sludge that’s setting you up for disease. And weight gain. And depression.
Let’s look at a few more products that are pretty embedded as healthy breakfast options, and examine their ingredients.
General Mills Total Blueberry Pomegranate 100% Nutrition Cereal
Oh good grief. 100% Nutrition? Are you kidding? By the way, 3/4 cup of this stuff is 100 calories, and 0 fat – it’s a Dieter’s Dream! Plus look: it’s healthy! There’s Blueberry and Pomegranate, which we all know from Dr. Oz are really good for us, and it’s America’s #1 Source of Whole Grain.
Just kidding, there’s no actual fruit, they just concoct a smell and taste effect from chemicals, and there’s no actual “Whole Grain”. Here’s what a whole grain of wheat looks like:
See the first 7 ingredients listed? Ingredients are listed in the order of their predominance; this means that the first 7 ingredients in this cereal are SIMPLE SUGARS. There’s no complex carbs here that might take a while to break down and slowly seep from your small intestine to your blood stream. There’s a bunch of Simple Sugars that your body (or your child’s) will have no problem quickly breaking down to glucose (bc it’s so highly processed), shooting through the intestine wall, into your blood steam, creating high blood sugar, the resultant insulin reaction, and then inflammation, glycation, brain fog, and finally, low blood sugar fatigue and hunger.
All the chemicals, many of which are linked to cancer and behavior problems, will go to your liver, as that’s one of it’s jobs: break down chemicals and dispose of them. Your liver has around 500 jobs. It’s actually the BIGGEST PIECE OF OUR DAILY METABOLISM, around 50/60% of our total daily calorie burn. What do you think happens to your liver, or your child’s, when it’s hampered from it’s duties because it’s trying to breakdown and dispose of Red dye 40, Blue dye 2, “and other color”?
Notice there’s also Sucralose. Ugh. Remember that from the Thomas English Muffins? It kills beneficial gut bacteria, it causes migraines and headaches, it raises blood sugar, it’s highly linked to cancer.
All those vitamins and minerals on the list: They’re Added in, let’s be very clear that they’re in NO WAY a natural part of this cereal. Anything of nutritional value was destroyed in processing the wheat, the barley, the sugars, the rice, and the corn. Destroyed. Those synthetic vitamins and minerals you see listed were manufactured in China (that’s where most cheap vitamins and minerals come from now) and added to the cereal. Trust me, those are rarely EVER the body’s preferred forms of those vitamins and minerals. Ever.
Now I’m going to expose a Dieter’s Dirty Little Secret. Cereal like this isn’t just for kids; adults eat it too, often times for dinner, or after dinner snacks. HELLO STOMACH BLOAT:) Wheat/carb products like this are incredibly addictive. Remember the link to Dr. Davis’s site, Wheatbellyblog, he does a great job of breaking down the science of gliadian proteins, their opiate effects, and the resultant appetite stimulate they cause.
What are some good alternatives to Cereal? There’s plenty, and I’ll list them below, but a few more words about Cereal and how it’s a very common “stumbling block” food.
I get questions all the time asking me how to lose weight. Many of the people who ask this are highly, highly addicted to both whole grains and simple sugars, and when it comes down to it, they have a really hard time thinking of giving them up. So don’t focus on that. Don’t focus on what you can’t have and how sad it makes you feel. Focus instead on the nutrients in your food, what exactly those nutrients OR ANTI NUTRIENTS are doing in your body, and ASK YOURSELF THIS: If I eat this, how will I feel in ONE hour: Not even thinking about food? Stuffed? Depressed? Hating myself? Bloated? On to the next project? Level? In a Tailspin? HINT: An hour after you eat, you shouldn’t even be thinking about your meal; that would mean you ate healthy food that satiated you, and your digestion worked perfectly. You can MOVE ON.
If that’s not your reality, try to not be so mindless about eating, which is hard if you’ve got an addiction. Addictions highjack your brain neurons, make them throb and pulse and send signals that compel you to dig in. If you’re addicted, make a promise to yourself that at least you won’t keep cereal, crackers, pretzels, chips, bagged cookies, and other hand-to-mouth munchie/easy/brainless foods in your house. Start there. What about the kids and their need for snacks? THEY DON’T NEED THIS POISON, AND THEY DON’T NEED TO FIRMLY ESTABLISH MINDLESS MUNCHING IN THE LITTLE BRAINS. Why set them up for a life time of struggle? They’ll not only live if you get that stuff out of your house, they’ll actually thrive. So will you. You can do this! Pledge today that you’re on your way to being a Real Whole Foodie. Now for the Breakfast Ideas:
1. meat and cheese roll ups
2. eggs scrambled in butter/coconut oil, veggies added or not
3. nitrate free sausages and bacon
4. assorted smoothies:
Wheat Withdrawl Zinger, Dr. Davis; Elana’s Pantry Smoothie list
5. paleo pancakes ( make a big batch and freeze the leftovers for another morning)
6. apricot power bars ( love Elana’s Pantry!!!)
7. egg cups ( super fast to reheat; great for “on the road”)