The Keto Diet has been easy! I haven’t missed my roasted potatoes, or the banana in my smoothie, or carrots or peas or corn – yet. I’ve been tempted by my Mom’s Famous Paleo Cookies twice, and resisted because I knew I had cream cheese bites, which I love. I’m astonished at my energy levels, which weren’t even bad to begin with; my sleep is HEAVY, and my stomach looks tighter. I haven’t lost anymore weight, but that’s okay. I’m staying steady at 129. Body fat testing today at 10am, and then again in a couple months. Which means I’ve decided to stay on this for a while. Remember to look at my What I Eat page to check out my meals.
My ketosis sticks are showing a darker color!! I’ve moved up the Ketone Production Chain a little:)
I’ve had company twice this past week; I cook dinner every night for the family, and catering to the Keto Diet’s really not very different from the Real Whole Food/Paleo Diet. My family’s already used to a bunch of meat and vegetables, and no bread or pasta on the table, it’s the norm here. Everyone likes vegetables cooked in butter and topped with cheese, and I still serve watermelon, corn, potatoes, and other fruits and vegetables I don’t eat.
I’ve had 2 questions on both Fruit, and Fructose this week, and I wanted to give a little info and a resource for you to follow if you’re interested.
Leptin is a hormone, made by our Fat Cells, that’s supposed to signal our brains when the stomach is full. Just like Insulin Resistance, many overweight people have developed “Leptin Resistance”. This means the fat cells are producing plenty of leptin, but the cells that are supposed to receive it have become “numb/non-responsive” to the message. Instead, the message to Keep Eating is received, and a vicious cycle is set in place.
Fructose is a simple sugar that’s in Fruit, and High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). HFCS is in most processed and packaged foods, Moms, take note for your kids. This stuff is NEVER good. The simple sugar Glucose CAN be used by our muscle cells and brain cells for ENERGY; Fructose can NEVER EVER EVER be used by a cell for energy, EVER. Ever. (****Important, we don’t need that much glucose – excess gets converted to fat.)
Fructose always goes right to the liver, where it’s converted to fat. Often, this fat is actually stored in the liver. HFCS is one of the main reason Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease is so prevalent right now. If you’re overweight, there’s a good chance you have some degree of this condition, learn what it means here.
Here’s something that’s surprising about Fructose; DIABETICS and PRE-DIABETICS, TAKE NOTE: No, fructose doesn’t raise blood sugar. BUT it DOES make the Insulin Receptors on the muscle cells and kidney cells LESS RESPONSIVE TO INSULIN. This means that Fructose Contributes To Insulin Resistance and Diabetes and various Metabolic Conditions.
All fruit has Fructose in it. Fructose from fruit is metabolized EXACTLY the same way HFCS is, by the liver. ***Studies show that excess glucose consumption can actually be converted to fructose ( and fat). Remember, a carb is a carb is a carb. Carbs from grains are reduced to glucose. If you’ve been eating the Standard American Diet, or on a high-carb, low fat diet, you’ve probably had way too much Fructose in your life. Look down at your stomach – Insulin Resistance, Leptin Resistance, too much Fructose – are the signs there?
This is where a High Fat/Low Carb diet, or a Ketogenic Diet ( they’re slightly different), can come in. Study after study shows that they can reverse the damage from years of High Blood Sugar, High Insulin, and Leptin Resistance.
Here’s a great article from Dr. Mercola on Leptin and Fructose. The more you know, the easier it becomes to make good choices for your body. When choices are easier, there’s less stress. When there’s less stress, your brain is more compliant with your long term goals. Sound good?