I get to do a “Looks Healthy But Isn’t”! So excited! Got a great email asking my opinion on breads; as in, if I HAD to feed one to my kids, wouldn’t whole wheat at least be best? (I don’t think she’s read my blog – but I hope she starts!) I’ve got to answer here, because I know this will interest other people, especially busy people who turn to processed food for convenience, and people who are completely convinced that bread is a biblically mandated food item. It’s not. If you’re feeding your kids most of the breads on the market, you’re honestly feeding them a crappy, chemical, sugar concoction that contains indigestible proteins that will affect their behavior negatively, their gut negatively, their weight, their hormones, their skin, and I could go on and on and on.
Here’s an ingredient list of Thomas Whole Wheat English Muffins:
Whole wheat bread has this weird halo above it, as if we’ll all be thin and healthy if we eat it. Look at these ingredients. Do you honestly think there won’t be repercussions from that stuff? Here’s a few ingredient breakdowns: azodicarbonamide: Azodicarbonamide is manufactured by the reaction of dihydrazine sulfate and urea under high temperature and pressure. The product of this reaction is then oxidized using sodium chlorate and centrifuged to yield a slurry containing azodicarbonamide. The slurry is washed to remove impurities and dried to obtain the azodicarbonamide powder. This is then micronized to a fine powder before packaging. This product is banned in Europe and Australia because: it’s killed dogs in experiments, many links to asthma and skin problems, and is found to be a mutagen to bacteria, Sucralose: kills beneficial gut bacteria, highly linked with migraines and headaches, causes cramping and intestinal discomfort, raises blood and has many links to cancer. Carmel Coloring: caramel coloring is created by heating ammonia and is considered a carcinogen when created this way. Calcium Propinate: linked to irritability, restlessness, inattention, and sleep disturbance in children. The Ecologist Online claims that it is linked to allergic reactions in bakery workers.
That’s gross. These are NORMAL ingredients in Normal (processed) foods. If you eat these, or feed these to your children, you’re creating a disease state in the body. I really believe that. Our body uses the food we eat to make ALL OF OUR CELLS. We are what we eat. The average disease takes about 20 years to manifest. This stuff is poison.
What about the effects of blood sugar with an english muffin? It would be different for everyone, depending on the shape of their pancreas and liver, and how readily their muscle cells uptake glucose, but even if everything’s working well, this is a big hit. Dieters love english muffins because they’re low cal/low fat. ( 120 calories, 1 gram of fat). Big deal. There’s 23 grams of sugar in them. The label says “sugar – 2 g.”, that’s ADDED sugar. LOOK AT THE TOTAL CARB COUNT BECAUSE THAT’S ALL THAT COUNTS. ALL CARBS BREAK DOWN TO EITHER GLUCOSE OR FRUCTOSE. ALL OF THEM. That’s the job of our digestive system: break all carbs down to single molecule sugars, and there’s only two, glucose or fructose. They both wreck havoc on our body. Ignore everything you’ve ever heard about Whole Wheat being good for you. The glycemic index of Whole Wheat is actually WORSE than white flour! Honest! This means that the speed with which it can go from mouth, to stomach, to small intestine to blood stream ( causing a big blood sugar rise), is super quick. That’s NEVER good. Hormonal disaster. Avoid it.
Next, let’s talk about the ANTI-NUTRIENTS in wheat, and I’m going to quote from the Wheat Belly blog (you should check it out!) :
“–Gliadin–While some gliadin is degraded to small peptides that act as opiates on the human brain, a substantial proportion of gliadin remains undigested. The intact, undigested form is the form that initiates the zonulin mechanism that increases intestinal permeability, the first step in generating the diseases of autoimmunity.
–Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA)–The complex, 4-part protein present in wheat, rye, barley, and rice is completely indigestible. WGA that enters the mouth comes out the back end–except for the small quantity that penetrates intestinal barriers, causing direct intestinal toxicity and entering the bloodstream to activate antibodies, mimic insulin, and block leptin (the hormone of satiety).
–Trypsin inhibitors–Trypsin inhibitors block–no surprise–trypsin, a protein required for protein digestion. This further reduces the digestibility of grain proteins, a fact that organizations, such as the World Health Organization, grapples with when starving nations are fed grains but then struggle with malnutrition despite the calories.
There is a digestible component of wheat and the seeds of other grasses: the amylopectin A carbohydrate, highly susceptible to digestion by the amylase enzyme of saliva and stomach. This explains why two slices of whole wheat bread raise blood sugar higher than six teaspoons of table sugar. ”
Really, between the chemical ingredients and the simple sugars and the toxic proteins and the opiate/addictive properties of wheat, why would you feed this to your kids or eat it yourself? And before you write me off as an extremist, ask yourself, what is making cancer rates rise every year, what’s making heart disease rates rise every year, what’s making autism rates rise every year, what’s making asthma rise every year, what’s making weight, auto-immune disease, diabetes, lyme, neurological disorders, rise every year? It’s the NORMAL every day foods that pervade our lives. Read the ingredient list again, please, wrap your mind around the fact that our government is in bed with big business and neither cares one bit about our health and well-being. This is all about money. Thomas English Muffins racks up 500 MILLION ANNUALLY in sales. That’s a lot of money! Please don’t think they’re the only bad bread; these are very common ingredients in a whole bunch of different processed foods. These chemicals and this level of simple carb is NORMAL.
Back to the question, what breads do I feed my kids? Grain free breads, I’ve become pretty good at them (that’s what practice does – makes you good at things). Here’s two recipes that are big hits at our house:
Coconut Flour Biscuits
3/4 cup Coconut Flour
1 stick Butter, softened but not melted
4 eggs
1/2 -1 tsp salt
½ tsp baking powder
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F
Put all ingredients into medium sized bowl and mix well with immersion blender or hand mixer until well incorporated
Using your hands, carefully form into nine small balls and mash each one down with a spoon to make it about ½ inch thick.
Bake for 12-15 minutes until just starting to brown.
We also make this: Coconut Flour Bread
¼ cup flax meal
½ cup filtered water
¾ cup coconut flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon salt
4 eggs
½ cup coconut oil ( I always use butter – I like the taste better in baked goods)
1 Tablespoon raw honey
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
In a small bowl, combine the flax meal and water. Set aside for 10 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Generously grease a loaf pan with coconut oil.
In a food processor, combine the coconut flour, baking soda and salt. Add the eggs, coconut oil, honey, flax mixture and vinegar.
Transfer the batter into the prepared loaf pan and bake for 35-40 minutes, until a knife inserted into the middle of the loaf comes out clean. Cool in the pan for about an hour before slicing.