The Gluten E Summit continues to impress, if you haven’t registered, it’s not too late, there’s still 3 more full days of FREE lectures by doctors and researchers who are at the top of the game when it comes to Preventative and Functional Medicine. Dr. O Bryan, who’s at the helm of all this, has created a listening ability to access each of the lectures right through your email. If you don’t have Stitcher or iTunes, that’s okay, you don’t need them. Just click on the link and listen in your car, your home, the gym, where ever.
Here’s some highlights from the past couple of days:
“Main stream medicine does NOT have a monopoly on knowledge” ( this from Dr. Natasha, who has TWO MDs)
“Fat makes you thin, and Sugar/Glucose makes you fat.” (all carbohydrates break down to glucose)
Two slices of Whole Wheat bread have more glucose and will raise your blood sugar HIGHER than Two Tablespoons of Sugar. ( whole wheat’s not the health food it’s cracked up to be)
Gluten-Free Foods are a BIG PROBLEM. They’re made with high glycemic flours (rice flour shoots blood sugar up quicker than wheat flour), sugar, and chemicals. They’re usually just another processed food. (from me: if you go Gluten Free, let it mean Real Whole Foods)
Gluten Free = Gluten Free. Microscopic amounts of Gluten trigger the same Immune Response that large amounts do.
“Removing gluten is NOT Alternative/Functional/Holistic medicine; it’s good medicine backed solidly by Science.”
Put Gluten and Sugar together ( for example, in a processed food like crackers, cereal, bagels…), and you’ve got the perfect storm for Addiction. Chemicals are triggered that are “opioid-like”; the same areas of the brain that respond to drugs and alcohol light up. Why set your kids up for a life time of the same battles you’re fighting, or worse?
“It’s become NORMAL to start the day with dessert: cereal, danishes, bagels; this matters because Food is Information, and the information anyone gets from those kinds of foods is All Bad”
Everyone who lectures reminds us that reactions to Gluten don’t just happen in the Gut. As a matter of fact, around 70% of all reactions happen in places OTHER THAN THE GUT: the brain, the cardiovascular system, the joints, and the skin. Several Neurologists who’ve spoken say that Gluten Sensitivity is responsible for a large portion of Parkinson’s, Bells Palsy, Shaking, Migraines, etc. Our food has consequences!
And my favorite quote of the day: “Your Body Is NOT a Math Equation (calories in calories out doesn’t work), It’s a Chemical Reaction.” The food we eat triggers hormones, and they determine whether we store fat or burn fat.
Which leads right into our Change Effort that I’m running through January: Most negative thoughts about your body lead to a plan to reduce calories through diet or burn more calories through exercise. None of this works: not the negative thoughts, and not the diet and exercise program (that’s the calories in – calories out paradigm). Check the statistics: almost 100% of everyone who loses weight on a “diet” gains it back. Want real change? Change Your Thoughts!!! Quit focusing on what you don’t like about yourself ( your thighs, your stomach, your weight), and start focusing on being a better person, having a kinder heart, fostering better relationships. Use the Mantra “I practice being kind, not right.”
As for really changing your body? Start thinking of Food in terms of the Effects it has on your hormones: carbs encourage you to store body fat through the hormone Insulin; and the main two components that build your body structurally are Fat and Protein. Feed your body what it takes to run beautifully, and be beautiful. Eat Real Whole Foods. Work on being in charge of your thoughts. Our food matters, and our thoughts matter. We have so much power, control, and choice over our life! There’s some people who climb into little boxes and stay there for days, they will their Respiratory System and Cardiovascular System to slow down – just to prove they can. These people aren’t magic, they’re focused; you can focus too! Start practicing now and change will happen. “I practice being kind, not right.”