Vitamin D affects Breast Cancer, Depression, and Immunity

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, that means it can’t be absorbed without adequate in the waterfat present.  It also can’t be absorbed well if you’ve got stomach troubles, you know, bloat, indigestion, excessive burping, trapped gas, etc.  (Stomach problems aren’t normal, no matter how much the Antacid Companies try to convince us otherwise; and antacids used more than 2 weeks do more harm than good.  But that’s a different post.)

Actually, Vitamin D is more Hormone than Vitamin, and it affects at least 3000 of our genes.  There’s a worldwide deficiency of Vitamin D, and despite supplementation, levels aren’t improving.  The best, most absorbable Vitamin D is made on your skin, from the interaction of Cholesterol and UVB sun rays.  During these winter months, when UVB rays are in short supply, and we’re not out very long anyway, it’s even more important to make the effort to get your D.

Here’s Dr. Mercola’s latest post, which also includes a link to the Vitamin D project, which I’m signing up for.

Take your health into your own hands. No one cares as much as you do, and no one else knows you as well as you do: your history, your stress levels, your habits, your life.  No one is sick because they’ve got a deficiency in a pharmaceutical, no one.   Just like no one is overweight because they’ve got a deficiency in a diet drug.  Read Dr. Mercola and let me know if you join the Project too!

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