Read this great quote from Facebook:
That’s good, isn’t it. I work with a lot of people who desperately want to change their weight or their health. They want to look good and feel good, and they’re sick and tired of being sick and tired. Maybe that’s how you feel. Well, you CAN lose weight and you CAN get healthy, but you are where you are because of the habits and life style you’ve developed and nurtured.
A “different” you is going to take a Plan, and then the Mindset to follow through with that Plan for the rest of your life.
This week I’ve been able to listen to a podcast that might be the most inspiring talk I’ve ever heard when it comes to creating change in your life, it’s by Hal Elrod.
He said something that really stuck me: If you want to have a life that’s a “10”, you have to have a mind that’s a “10”. He said you have to work on your mind every single day, or your dream life ( or dream body) won’t happen.
WOW! He’s so right! Most of us just float through life trying to keep up with our busy schedules and before you know it, we’re older, sick, on meds, and weigh more than we’d like. Depression, anxiety, worry, and stress are part and parcel of the package; so common they seem normal. What happened? Who Cares!! Dwelling on what you don’t like will just get you more of the same. That’s what’s happened so far, right?
If you want to Change, today’s your day, not tomorrow or the 1st or Monday; those are excuses, and they’re self-defeating. Quit waiting for the Right Time because your life is not going to get easier, or slower, or more manageable until you MAKE it the Right Time. We’re not Jelly Fish; God gave us a brain and choices. Our current life is the result of our choices. Our FUTURE life will be the result of our choices. If you want your future to be BETTER than today, MAKE BETTER CHOICES.
Too tired, too beat, too busy? Then get ready for a life of steady weight gain, accumulating chronic diseases with their side-effect laden meds, and growing unhappiness. Oh, and you’re TEACHING YOUR CHILDREN BY YOUR EXAMPLE.
Ready to rise above the fatigue and the schedules? Good! Other people have! You can too! TODAY start a running grocery list; TODAY pack your lunch, TODAY get your rear to the gym, TODAY make a plan for eating Real Whole Food for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner, TODAY determine that you’re not going to “de-stress” with bad food and alcohol, TODAY take your supplements; TODAY make a plan that has you in bed at a decent time; TODAY talk to God; TODAY focus on positive thoughts about yourself; TODAY determine that your “unavoidable triggers” don’t have magic power over you; TODAY decide that your health and your weight and your attitude are from your actions.
I’m closing with Hal’s “5-Minute Rule”: if something makes you mad or sad, go ahead and brood about it for 5 Minutes. Set a timer. After that, move on. Ruminating about your situation does NOTHING to remedy it, it only makes it worse. If your health and weight have you feeling sad/mad/depressed/upset, stop ruminating, make a plan for change and then focus on your plan.
I love to tell my clients that they can be a whole new person in a year, or they can be exactly the same or worse. It depends on the choices and action steps we make.