In case you haven’t caught all the science being revealed lately on the BENEFITS of saturated fat, cholesterol, and BUTTER, here’s an excerpt from the NYT, with the full link:
“That the worm is turning became increasingly evident a couple of weeks ago, when a meta-analysis published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine found that there’s just no evidence to support the notion that saturated fat increases the risk of heart disease. (In fact, there’s some evidence that a lack of saturated fat may be damaging.) The researchers looked at 72 different studies and, as usual, said more work — including more clinical studies — is needed. For sure. But the days of skinless chicken breasts and tubs of I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter may finally be drawing to a close.
The tip of this iceberg has been visible for years, and we’re finally beginning to see the base. Of course, no study is perfect and few are definitive. But the real villains in our diet — sugar and ultra-processed foods — are becoming increasingly apparent. You can go back to eating butter, if you haven’t already.”
Our body is made out of Water, Protein, Fat, and Minerals. Literally. Vitamins make things happen (enzymatic reactions), and Carbs provide fuel for cells. Eat foods that MAKE YOUR BODY. Your body could care a less about calories, honest. Who benefits from perpetuating the Low Fat/No Fat/Calories In/Calories Out line? Big Food, Big Pharma, and Big Business. Dieting is a Business; Real Whole Food is the key to Good Health and Good Weight.