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Think Your Way To Health and Weight Success; and Cholesterol Facts

debbie (27)I’ve had an unusual number of cholesterol questions in the past week, and I just gave a talk on cholesterol yesterday, so it’s “on the brain”.  There’s just so much MISinformation out there about cholesterol, most of it perpetuated by pharmaceutical companies ( statins bring in 29 BILLION a YEAR), and many doctors, who’ve been taught to believe that total cholesterol is very important, and that all LDL is bad.

In the words of Wheatbelly doctor, William Davis, that would be fine if it were 1963.  But it’s 2013, and science has shown us that total cholesterol is a HORRIBLE predictor of heart disease. In 2013, MUCH better predictors of your heart health are (1) your triglyceride/HDL ratio (should be less than 3.5 for men, and less than 2.5 for women),  (2) your blood sugar level/insulin level (excess glucose and excess insulin damage arteries and organs like the heart),  (3) your A1C, which shows an average of your past 90 days of blood sugar, and is indicative of heart disease, diabetes, and possible neurological problems (think Alzheimers and Dementia).  There’s other risk factors, like the amount of chemicals you ingest, slather on, or breath in, and the amount of trans fat you eat, but those are hard to measure.

Why shouldn’t you worry about cholesterol?  Because you’d DIE without it – it’s that necessary. The body uses cholesterol to make all our adrenal hormones and sex hormones, Vitamin D, bile salts, myelin sheaths, cell membranes, and includes it in “healing patches” when damage occurs.   As a matter of fact, if you takes steps to lower it with statins, you’re putting yourself at risk for diabetes (statins cause blood sugar levels to rise and muscle cells to become insulin resistant),  muscle pains, impotence, dementia, cataracts, kidney and liver problems, cancer, and weight gain (thanks to the insulin resistance and blood sugar rise).

Instead of falling for the party line, if your total cholesterol or LDL has come back high, think of WHY that might be.  Did you just have an illness, or a stressful event?  Because if you did, your liver made MORE cholesterol so your body could ramp up it’s immune system ( cholesterol is an ANTIOXIDANT and HEALING MOLECULE); stress would have induced the adrenals to produce more cortisol and other “fight or flight” hormones, which are made from cholesterol.  Or maybe your body is trying to heal you with Vitamin D ( made from cholesterol).  There’s a lot of reasons your body makes cholesterol.  It’s NORMAL.  Damaged cholesterol is what’s dangerous.

Here’s something most people don’t know:  LDL and HDL do NOT equal Cholesterol.  Cholesterol is a fatty substance, and lipoproteins are lipoproteins;  lipoproteins CARRY cholesterol inside of them.  Low density Lipoproteins (LDLs) also carry triglycerides, steroids, fat soluble vitamins, and anything else that’s fat soluble,  through the blood, to wherever they need to go.

cholesterol mythAll LDL is NOT bad.  If we need more cholesterol to make more hormones, more vitamin D, more myelin shealths in the brain so our brains cells can communicate, LDL is going to get it there.  However, OXIDIZED, DAMAGED LDL is bad.  How does it get damaged?  Glucose/blood sugar, toxins(cigarettes, chemicals in foods,..), and trans fats.

Please, learn about cholesterol.  Learn how to make your Heart Healthy – for real.  There’s so much information and if you learn it, you’ll be able to go to your doctor and comfortably assert that no, you’re not going to get on a statin just because your total cholesterol is 201, or 220.  Read Cholesterol Clarity, Grain Brain, or Cholesterol Myths.  Get on sites by forward thinking doctors and scientists who are practicing according to 2013 facts. (here’s one) .  Listen to podcasts, like this one by Dr. Cate Shanahan on The Truth about Statins and Cholesterol.  Become your own best health advocate.  You can do this!

And that leads me to my title today, think your way to health and weight success.  I’ve heard too many times now, “oh, I just can’t give up bread”  ” I could never give up pasta”  I HAVE to have desserts/sweets every day”  ” I could NEVER give up my wine”, etc etc etc.   Oh my gosh.  If your kids tell you “I can’t learn to read”, “I can’t get my times tables”, “I’ll never understand Algebra 1/Geometry/Algebra 2”,  “this class is too hard, I’ll never get higher than a D” waa waa waa.  You’d never accept that, because you know it’s not true.  Why don’t you apply that same logic to yourself?  Lot’s of people don’t eat bread or pasta or dessert or drink wine.  Lots of people shop, plan, pack, and cook.  Normal, regular , busy people.

Henry Ford has one of my favorite quotes ever:  “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right”.   He said that decades ago, but wow, was he ahead of his time.  Neuroscience has advanced to a degree where technology has made it possible to actually SEE how our thoughts change our brain, instantly.   Our thoughts affect our neurotransmitters (serotonin, gaba, dopamine..), and we CAN control our thoughts if we practice.  A lot.

Instead of “preparing” to blow it because “it’s the weekend”, or “you’re traveling”, or “you’ve had dr suessa hard week”, or “there’s no time to cook”, figure out the action steps and then plan to succeed.  No time to cook?  Go to the store and buy already prepared meats and vegetables, then cook up at home.  Become a whiz with your crockpot; make giant batches and freeze.   Traveling?  Bring food in coolers, or baggies (nuts, fruits, seeds, they all travel well).  Weekend binges ? They can take 3 or 4 days to atone for – trust me, I did that for years. It’s miserable.  Learn to de-stress after a hard week with a hike, yoga, movies, books, naps, things that actually make you feel better when they’re over instead of worse.

Here’s another favorite quote, from the Paleo Mom, “it’s only effort until it becomes habit”.  You can change your patterns and make new patterns.  Other people do, you can too, I promise.

Back to cholesterol levels and heart disease!  Here’s a ONE minute video by Dr. Malcolm Kendrink who in ONE minute, debunks the whole “cholesterol/heart disease” paradigm.  Please watch this – it’s very eye opening.

Got Impotence or Wrinkles? You’re a Sugar Burner. Plus, Nutritional Therapy Weekend

debbie (23)Does your body burn fat all day, or does it burn sugar/glucose all day?  That TOTALLY depends on your diet.  And I’m not talking about the Old Fashioned Conventional Wisdom Diet: eat low-fat, low-cal, and exercise a ton.  That diet is a Sugar Burning Diet;  there’s too much hard scientific research now showing that if we’re Sugar Burners, we’re setting ourselves up for disease, pain, and weight gain. Oh yeah, and Impotence and Wrinkles.  Who wants those??  Here’s what’s going on:

When you eat Carbohydrates ( pasta, fruit, starchy veggies, ALL GRAINS, beans, and skim milk products), your body breaks them down to GLUCOSE/SUGAR.  When your blood stream ( where all the glucose goes after digestion) becomes OVER full of glucose (easy, because it doesn’t take much), much of the EXCESS carbs are converted to Triglycerides, (a fat), and deposited in your fat cells.  IF ONLY THIS WERE THE EXTENT OF THOSE DARN EXCESS CARBS.  Fatness.  But it’s not….  When excess sugar is consumed, it takes the body a while to clear it from the blood stream back down to “normal” levels (80-100mg).  During that time, the excess sugar is literally wrecking havoc on your brain, your joints, your immune system, your mood, your organs, your nerve cells, and your blood vessels.  The damage accumulates slowly, but it’s happening.  100% guarantee.

What about the Impotence and Wrinkles?  When your blood sugar is chronically high, which is typical if you eat the Standard American Diet ( 5-6 meals of grains, sugars, and “low fat” foods), glucose is allowed to linger in the blood too long.  This give the Sugar/Glucose molecules the opportunity to attach to proteins ( in the blood, or on the body, like the cells lining your blood vessels, brain, joints, or skin, for example).  When this happens, it’s called an Advanced Glycated Endproduct (AGE); here’s where, Bad Stuff happens.   Cells in your Blood Vessels are unable to produce Nitric Oxide, and blood flow is impeded.  There’s your Impotence.

When it happens in the skin, the AGE’s attach to the protein Collagen; stiffness and lack of blood flow, and clumps of debris cause: wrinkles, inflammation, inhibited skin cell growth, liver spots, and general “accelerated aging”.

It always comes down to TOO MUCH SUGAR.  What if you don’t eat sugar?  What if you’re not bowl of pastaoverweight?  If you’re eating any amount of Carbohydrate ( whole grains/ whole wheat/flour products, or beans) they’re digested down to GLUCOSE/SUGAR. Period.  Each time/every time/all the time.  Our body breaks food down to it’s barest molecules. Always. You don’t need to eat “sugar” to have sugar in the blood.  Read above sentence.

Okay, back to Impotence and Wrinkles: they’re bad.  No one wants them.  But we’ve also got the fact that if you have elevated sugar/glucose in your blood, your body WON’T pull fat from your FAT STORES to burn for energy.  Even if you’re working out.  Sugar’s toxic, the body needs to clear it ASAP;  fat’s NOT toxic, so the body converts the excess sugar to fat and stores it.

Am I convincing you yet that you need to give up your bread and pasta?  Are you addicted??  Here’s a little clip from a show called Portlandia;  it’s about Pasta Addiction, and it’s maybe one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen.  You might relate.

I’m at a hotel for 3 days during my Nutritional Therapy Weekend, so I want to post my meals and workouts.

Yesterday: No Workout:(  Left the house too early and had to do homework first.

Paul Newman Coffee w Raw Cream
B – Smoothie w/beets/blueberries/whey protein/coconut flakes
L – (packed) chicken breast, apple, coconut butter w cocoa powder (see my last post for recipe)
D – (cooked in room on a plug in frying pan) 2 chicken thighs, fatty broth, chopped cabbage and cauliflower w curry powder (I’d put this in a baggie before I left home)  2 celery sticks with cauliflower hummus

I’m off to the gym now, but I don’t want to leave you thinking: damn, I’m in trouble.  A lot of damage can be reversed, honestly.  Start eating Real Whole Food Fats (they’re healthy), cut way down on your carbs (especially flours/grains and sugars), include healthy proteins and tons of vegetables, cook, pack, and practice paying attention to your food.  Read Practical Paleo or Grain Brain or any of the great “how to eat books and why” that are out there.  It’s never too late!    Let me know how you’re doing:)

Satisfries and Jennifer Aniston: Part of a Plot?

burger king guyOh gosh, Burger King’s come out with a new french fry called Satisfries.  It’s supposed to have less calories because the crinkle cut inhibits some oil absorption.  The advertising blitz for this is centering on the premise that you can have your french fries without the guilt – it’s practically a Free Food!

UGH.  Satisfries, or any french fry, is a giant pile of quick digesting sugar/carbs, soaked in hydrogenated oil.  Talk about a triple whammy:  high carbs, high insulin, and hydrogenated oils:  cancer, heart disease, diabetes, brain fog, and weight gain (and that’s the short list!).  Every time you expose your body to this, a little bit of damage happens, and the damage builds up.  Parents, the damage happens inside your child’s body also, even if they’re lean and athletic.

What’s really annoying though is that Burger King is preying on the widely held belief that it’s all about the calories.  That’s their Buzz Line:  “40% Less Fat, 30% Less Calories”;  but  CALORIES MEAN NOTHING.  It’s the hormonal effect of food that makes or breaks us. sugar rollercoaster Counting calories is pointless.  The medium Satisfry is 340 calories, 14 grams of fat (all trans fat), and 51 grams of carbs.  51 !!!   That’s almost 13 TEASPOONS of sugar; when our blood sugar rises above 2 teaspoons, Insulin is released, and excess sugar/glucose is converted into Triglycerides to be stored. No satiety (which comes from hormones triggered in the brain) would happen; as a matter of fact, these foods were created in a lab to induce hunger/eating/the desire for more.   Let’s compare that to 340 calories of a burger, green beans, and cheese.  The beef, (let’s imagine grass fed – not soy/corn fed),  has a high Omega 3 content, and CLA (anti-cancer fatty acid), is about 200 calories for 4oz, zero carbs;  an ounce of cheddar has about 100 calories, zero carbs,  and a whole cup of green beans is 31 calories, 7 grams of carbohydrate.  Besides the serious nutritional differences, there are HORMONAL differences:  very, very, very little insulin would be released, and probably NO triglycerides produced and stored, with the second meal.  Satiety hormones would be triggered. You’d eat this and STOP EATING.  Your body and mind would say “okay”.  That doesn’t happen with Satisfries, or any psedo-food.

Here’s something else that’s bugging me:

I just saw something on my FaceBook page that made me cringe; an ad from Weight Watchers that pictures Jennifer Aniston and claims she “lost 6 pounds in 6 days following these Diet Rules.”  First of all, Jennifer Aniston’s skinny!  Where’d the 6 pounds come from?  Supposing smart onesit’s true though,  anyone can starve themselves for a few days and lose 6 pounds of water and muscle tissue. Wrestlers do it all the time.   Fat loss from little bouts of starvation however, is pretty rare.  The body is hesitant to give up fat because fat’s an easy keeper. If you choose to go super low calorie, the thyroid slows WAY down, and the brain and liver signal your muscle cells to decompose down to amino acids, which can be converted to blood sugar for energy.  Repeat:  low calorie eating causes muscle to be used for fuel.  NOOOOO!!!!

Now you’ve got a slower Thyroid, and less muscle tissue; NOT a permanent way to keep weight off.  As a matter of fact, after you “re-bound” eat, you’ll probably end up a little heavier than before your low cal attempt.

What does this Jennifer Aniston piece have to do with Satisfries?  It demonstrates that Big Food and Big Advertising and Big Business know that everyone wants to lose weight, and that most people believe that if they cut calories, the weight comes off.  So that’s the angle their debbie (29)marketing departments are advising.  Probably successfully.  But it just doesn’t work that way. Low fat, low calorie foods and plans DON’T WORK in the Long Run. Ever.  Statistically, almost 100% of everyone who loses weight on a Diet, gains it back.   You need a food plan you can sustain, that makes you healthy and happy and satisfied.  That’s what Real Whole Foods do for you.  Ditch the sugar, the flours, the trans fats, and the chemicals.  Plan, shop, cook in batches, pack. Eat plenty of healthy fats, healthy proteins, tons of vegetables, some fruit, some nuts and seeds, and some whole dairy( if your stomach likes that).   Focus on how you want to FEEL. Foods like Satisfries, or Weight Watches Frozen Meals don’t make you feel good afterwards.   Practice the habits that make you feel good, and the weight comes off.  Eat for health, and weight loss is a side effect.  Eat Real Whole Foods.  Check out my What I Eat Page for ideas.

Your Food Affects Your Health – Always.

debbie (43)Had a great question today: ” Debbie, I think you’re slightly exaggerating when you say there are NO neutral foods, that all foods either heal or hurt. ” , there’s more, but that’s the gist of the email.

I get this line of thinking; after all, you can eat pop tarts, pasta, ice-cream, bagels, and processed, refined foods for years, and feel pretty normal.  Trust me though:  damage is happening; little by little, irritation and inflammation are adding up, and it will hit you – and your kids – eventually.  Look around you at the disease, poor health, lack of energy, and sky rocketing levels of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, ADHD, autism, auto-immune, endocrine disorders, liver disease, and so on and so on and so on.  70% of America is overweight, 70% of America is on at least 1 prescription drug.  We are a sick, unhealthy, overweight nation, and it’s because of the food we eat.

No one really struggles with the  belief that toxins from cigarettes will eventually harm you.  Who questions that?   If any of us saw our kids or a loved one smoking, we’d say that their lungs are being damaged; we’d say that eventually, they’re going to get lung cancer or lung disease. Unfortunately, the same line of thinking doesn’t happen with a lot of the foods that are harming you and your children.

Those cereals that have the AHA stamp of approval?  They’re sending blood sugar/glucosevitamin donuts levels way over what’s healthy.  Every single time you go above 100mg/dcl of sugar in the blood, DAMAGE OCCURS.  Every. Time.  Every time you eat trans fats, damage occurs.  Every. Time.  Every time you eat chemicals that our own FDA says are potentially cancer causing (BHA, BHT, etc), damage occurs.  Every. Time.   Every time you eat a big plate of “whole grain” pasta, you’re sending your blood sugar way over 100 and causing damage.  Every. Time.  Seriously.

The evidence against sugars, flours, bad fats, and chemicals isn’t new and it isn’t insignificant.  It’s massive; and researchers and scientists have been beating the drum for a long time, it’s just that Big Food and Big Pharma beat their drums louder to convince you that you’ll be okay:  eat the foods, then just take their drugs.  Everything will be fine.  But it’s not, is it.

Everyone I work with has done just that: eaten the food and taken the meds.  The result is the level of sickness and fatigue increases.  More drugs are needed to deal with the initial drugs side effects.  Your energy and vitality are stolen from you.  Please, take back your health!  Give your children the foundations to keep or improve theirs.

Our body is a master at trying to fix, maintain, and patch.  Those clogged arteries?  They take an average of 20 years to develop.  Cancers?  Pancreatic cancer is supposed to kill quickly, right? Because the average length of time from detection to death is 3 years,  BUT,  research shows that the average length of time for pancreatic cancer to develop to the point of symptoms and detection is 20 years!    Auto-Immune conditions??  Yes the body is “attacking” itself, but actually, it’s “defending” itself: the immune system is in overdrive from it’s initial attack on a foreign substance: heavy metals, molds, infections, and very very often, there’s a response via chronic inflammation due to food sensitivities:  gluten, casein, etc.   (We’ve talked a lot about “leaky gut”).  Think of the immune system responding to flour and sugar day after day, year after year.  The damage accumulates.  There’s no getting around this.

starbucksOh!  What about more sudden onset conditions, like a cold, or the flu?  They happen when your immune system is either run down or suppressed. Eat sugar, and within one hour your immune system is suppressed 56% for about 24 hours!  Sugar:   reduces white blood cell activity; it reduces antibody activity; it interferes with the transport of Vit C; it causes mineral imbalances; and it inhibits the actions of fatty acids which would normally strengthen cell walls, but instead leaves cell walls more permeable to virus and bacteria.

Use the above scenario and imagine your child sitting down in school, eating their sugary meal, and then being sneezed on by the kid sitting next to them.  Or you having your dessert drink (a la Starbucks) and treat, and then touching a door handle at the office a sick person just touched.  You’ll get sick NOT because “someone at the office got you sick”, but because you didn’t take care of your immune system. You actually inhibited your immune system with your food choices.

Yes, I’m laying Your health on Your lap.  We all have to be our Own Best Health Advocate, and our children’s Health Advocate.  No one else cares as much as we do. My next post will focus on Boosting the Immune System, because you can.  Take control of your health, use your power. Want to learn even more?  Come to my Switch Your Metabolism Class.  Eating for a strong, healthy body leads to a lean body.  Eat for health, and weight loss happens.

Switch Your Metabolism Class: set for Mondays: Oct 7,14,21, 6 – 7:30pm;  and Wednesdays: Oct 9,16,23, 1 – 2:30.  The goal: to teach you how to be a Fat Burner and not a Sugar Burner.  We’ll cover the Paleo Diet, Digestion, Blood Sugar (you HAVE to understand your biology to lose weight and get healthy), Ketosis, Power Cooking, Compliance Strategies and much more.  The class will be held at the Marshall Community Center (4133A Rectortown Rd, Marshall Va), which is right off Rt 17 and Rt 66 – it’s easy to get to.  The total cost: $100.  My goal:  to help you understand that your weight and your health are a matter of your Biology, not a low cal/low fat diet that never works, ever; and that you have the Power to change yourself.  Email me if you can attend, or just show up at the door.  Phone and Skype sessions are available if you’re long distance.

You Make Yourself Either a Fat Burner, or a Sugar Burner

absWant to be a fat burner instead of a sugar burner?  Sugar burners just use the glucose/sugar that’s always in their blood stream.  Fat burners metabolize and use their fat stores.  You’re either one or the other, and you’ve trained your body to be whichever it is.  If you’ve been living by a “calorie in / calorie out” paradigm, you’re probably a sugar burner.  If you’ve been keeping your intake of sugar and flours low, and letting hours pass between meals, you’re mostly likely a fat burner.

Here’s an idea I’d love to ingrain in everyone’s head: ”  a calorie is not a calorie is not a calorie. ”   What’s that mean?  All calories are not equal.  If you’ve been struggling with your weight, starving on a low-fat/low-cal diet, exercising your heart out, and not seeing permanent, positive results, this is the reason why. When we eat meat, or fat, or vegetables, or grains, or processed, refined foods(PRFs), our body breaks them down to their barest nutrients and metabolizes them in completely different ways.  These nutrients all have completely different effects on our body.  Letting a number be your guide, as in 1400 calories a day, or 1800 calories a day, etc, is futile.   Losing weight and getting healthy are about the foods we eat and the hormone responses they induce.  The whole “if I don’t eat much, maybe I’ll burn my fat stores” theory – Un.True.   If you don’t eat much, your thyroid will turn down the metabolic rate of your entire body, and muscle will be burned BEFORE fat will.

But I digress.  What happens to the different foods/calories?

Protein is broken down to amino acids and used for building and repair. Examples: building brain neurotransmitters, building hormones, building enzymes, building muscle cells, building bacteria and yeast (yes, they’re protein).

Fat is broken down to fatty acids and used for building and energy. Examples:  building the brain (60% of your brain is fat), building the heart ( which is riddled with fat), building your hormones,  building connective tissue, generating electrical currents, building the immune system, building nerves, building bone (marrow), etc etc.  It’s also several organs favorite food: the heart, the muscles, and the liver, all prefer fatty acids over glucose.

Carbohydrates are broken down to glucose and fructose; glucose is used for a tiiinnny bitoatmeal of the bodies energy needs, and…. nothing else.  Carbs don’t build or repair anything.   As a matter of fact, an adult can only store about 500 grams or so of carbohydrate;  the same adult can store several several thousand grams of fat; this is why our body ( the liver) turns excess carbs into fat.  High levels of glucose/carb in the blood are dangerous; excess glucose causes big damage. When our body converts that into fat, it’s actually doing us a favor ( hmmmm…).

If you read the last post on Fructose, you know that Fructose, another sugar molecule, is just as harmful as Glucose.  Fructose can’t be burned or stored at all. Period.  It has to be converted immediately in the liver into something else:  Fat.  Actually, an assortment of fats:  free fatty acids, triglycerides, and VLDLs (very low density lipoproteins, the baaaad cholesterol). Fats our body makes from glucose and fructose tend to be stored, but not before they’re carried through the body by either the caustic, damaging hormone Insulin (which carries glucose), or the prone to oxidation triglyceride carrier, VLDL.  Hello Inflammation!

So besides making us fat, Glucose and Fructose damage our organs, arteries, liver, eyes, and brain. only remember after weightlossBack to my above comment:  low-fat/low-cal diets cause Muscle to be burned before Fat.  Here’s what I mean in simple words:  Muscle cells are metabolically active, they take a lot of calories to sustain.  Fat cells are much less metabolically active, and take far less calories to sustain.  When the body perceives a lack of nutrients, it gets rid of the cells that use up the most nutrients first in an effort to save itself.  That’s our muscle cells.  That’s why when you go on a low calorie diet, you can PERMANENTLY down regulate your metabolism.  Not a good idea, and one that leads to a never ending pattern of cutting calories, slowing down your metabolism, cutting more calories, slowing down your metabolism.   Does this make sense?

This brings me all the way back to the beginning:  want to be a sugar burner, or a fat burner?  Want to gain muscle or lose muscle?  Want to have healthy hormones, and a strong immune system?  It’s your food, it’s the nutrients.  It’s not the calories.  This is going to be the focus of my Weight Loss Strategies class.  Hope you can make it!

You Have The Power To Change Yourself!

youshouldtryeatingfoodI’ve got to stick with my cooking and packing theme for another day, after all, it’s one of the biggest topics I get emailed about.  More than anything, I want to convince you all that your health and weight aren’t the result of not enough pharmaceuticals or diet foods, but the end product of your everyday food choices and lifestyle habits.  You Have So Much Power to Change Yourself!!!

I love all the new Paleo/ Real Whole Food recipe sites out there, and the Cookbooks that go with them are amazing (although I ONLY use the internet for my recipes).  HOWEVER……  between the FoodNetwork, Food TV shows, the Cooking Channel, internet recipes, and food magazine covers and recipes, there’s this HUGE MISPERCEPTION that to make great food, you need to invest time, money, and a lot of effort.  You. Don’t.

I rarely ever, ever, ever, make a “recipe” in the past couple of years.  I don’t really need to anymore.  I did when I cooked lowfat/lowcal, because you need a LOT of tricks to make bland, fatless food taste good, but that’s just not necessary when you use Real Whole Food with Fat Attached.  Honestly.    All the years of combing through chicken recipes, (I have one old cookbook called “1,000 Chicken Recipes”) , marinating the chicken, coating it, sauteing it, blahblahblahblah, and sometimes it still came out tough and dry.  Now I buy bone in/ FAT ON chicken, pop it in the oven on 400 for 40 minutes with salt and pepper, and it comes out lovefoodnotgetfatperfect EVERY SINGLE TIME.  I slow roast meats with the “fat up”, with salt and pepper, and it comes out perfect every single time.  I cook fatty lamb sausage, or pork and venison sausage, and don’t drain off all the fat, and it comes out perfect every single time.  Vegetables??  Top liberally with butter or olive oil, salt and pepper, and some hard grated cheese – it’s perfect every single time.  I cut up potatoes or spaghetti squash, top with butter and cheese – everyone loves it. Kids eat vegetables when they have butter and cheese on them!!

My point:  we’ve been corrupted by decades of low fat thinking and cooking.  Good food isn’t hard, and it doesn’t need to be time consuming – recipes aren’t necessary.  Real food mixes perfectly with good butter ( get some Kerrygold – it’s grassfed and sold everywhere), or good olive oil ( get extra-virgin, first cold pressed),  good hard cheese, salt and pepper, and that’s good enough.  Quit stressing yourself out that you’re not Martha Stewart or Giada. You don’t need to be.

Still worried about the fat?  Please, go over my fat and cholesterol posts.  Fat is GOOD for us; our body needs cholesterol; these are necessary nutrients, and best of all, they’re satiating.  Repeat this:  Real fats don’t make me fat; processed, refined carbs do.   Eat Real Whole Foods, including fats, and you’ll feel full and satisfied.  This is in opposition to eating processed, refined, or (most)restaurant foods:  they’re full of sugar/flour/chemicals/and transfats that stimulate your brain into wanting more, and damage your liver, your immune  and your digestive system.

succsmorningStill worried because you’ve built such a high wall between yourself and cooking?  Don’t be.  Keep wrapping your mind around this new point of view: “Fat is good; cooking is relaxing; I can do this.”  That said, use the cookbooks/recipe sites/magazines if you want to, I’m just saying don’t be intimidated or fooled into thinking complex, lengthy recipes are the only way to make a good meal because they’re not.  Cook enough and pretty soon you’ll be comfortable taking what ever’s in your fridge and throwing it in the pan, adding a few herbs / spices and having it come out wonderful.  Here’s what I’ve been making all summer:  in a frying pan, tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini, basil, oregano, salt and pepper.  Cook down.  Add a meat and some grated parmesan, and  Wa La! it’s perfect.

Here’s something else we’ve done a hundred times this summer:  eggplant or zucchini pizza.  Cut zucchini into round discs, about 3/4 inch thick, or slice a medium zucchini length wise. Spread tomatoes or tomato sauce on, top with crumbled meat, some veggies, and plenty of mozarella, bake at 425 for 20 minutes.  It’s delicious.

This weekend we went to visit one of our daughters at her college and attended a 3:30 football game (Oregon is AMAZING!), we packed our lunch and ate in the parking lot: a shredded roast from 2 weeks ago that we got out of the freezer before we left, and some raw vegetables.  No, it wasn’t gourmet and it wasn’t even that delicious. It was just healthy food that filled us up. But we were going out to dinner and didn’t need to over-indulge.  We were fine and that was even after a big leg workout for both of us that morning.

A lot of changing your weight and changing your health will rest on changing your view of meg:reese:careating and cooking.  Real Whole Foods are delicious; they can also be simple and fast.  Not every meal needs to be a culinary experience, but every meal SHOULD nurture your body and satisfy your mind.  Real Whole Foods do that; processed, refined foods do neither.

Details on Weight Loss Strategies Classes coming tomorrow.  This Class will focus on Food/Biology/ and the How-To’s of permanent weight loss, which is a combination of Real Whole Food and Positive Thoughts and Attitudes.  Food is everything, but if you can’t break your self-defeating habits, thoughts, and patterns, you’re sunk.  We’ll fix that!

This last picture is my sweet Reese and oldest daughter Megan.  Talk about a positive image!

Fun Facts On Fat

hanging hamsterThank you if you attended yesterdays Blood Sugar/Cholesterol/Thyroid workshop:)  If you’re planning to attend next Wednesday’s, 8/28,  I’ll be looking forward to seeing you.

There’s a lot of confusion and questions about fat, and while I’m addressing that in my talks, I want to put some facts on paper/screen so that you can stare at them and let them sink in.  This won’t in anyway be a Primer on Fats, more like Fun Facts on Fats.

Fats are either Saturated, Monounsaturated, or Polyunsaturated.  Cholesterol ISN’T a fat, it’s an alcohol sterol.   (These are just going to be bullet point facts, not a chemistry lesson.)

*  Saturated fats (SF) have incredibly stable structure, that’s why about 50% of EVERY CELL membrane in your body is made from SF.   Cholesterol is another fatty substance that is fat ratincorporated into EVERY CELL membrane of your body; it’s also stable and allows nutrients in, and waste out PROPERLY.

* Eat a diet low in SF, or take cholesterol lowering medications so that less is made, and you COMPROMISE THE INTEGRITY OF YOUR CELL MEMBRANE.  Nutrients WON’T get in and out properly.  If this goes on for years, you’re in trouble.

* Fats don’t just go from mouth to stomach to butt / belly fat.  That’s not how we work.  The fats we eat are completely broken down to their barest molecular structure, and then sent by the liver to do thousands of different functions in the body:  build hormones, “transport” fat soluble nutrients, become part of immune system, build brain matter (60% of the brain is fat), build bones;  I could go on and on, but know that when you eat fat, isn’t not just stored, it’s used to build your body.

* Olive Oil isn’t an Omega 3, it’s an Omega 9.  Olive oil and Avocado Oil are MONOUNSATURATES.  They’re a little less stable than SF, but MUCH more stable than Polyunsaturated Fats.  Keep them away from light or heat.  Consider NOT cooking with olive oil (SF are best for cooking); if the heat’s too high, you’ll damage the fatty acids.  The same happens if you leave you olive oil out on the counter, exposed to light, and not in a dark cabinet.  OUR BODY USES DAMAGED FATTY ACIDS – AND THIS ISN’T A GOOD THING.

* Vegetable oils (corn/soy/canola), nuts and seeds, and Fish Oil,  are POLYUNSATURATED FATS (PUFA).  PUFAs are incredibly delicate and UNstable, very, very prone to damage from heat, air, and light.  It’s a crime that Big Food and Big Medicine have been encouraging their use in cooking for the past several years. When we cook with these fragile oils, they become rancid and damaged and then our body incorporates them into our cell membranes. WHEN DAMAGED PUFAS ARE INCORPORATED INTO CELL MEMBRANES, THE LIVER PRODUCES MORE CHOLESTEROL TO STABILIZE THE MEMBRANE.

fat cat* Trans Fats are liquid vegetable oils that have been “hydrogenated” to make them solid.  These things are a DISASTER for us.  Experts argue over which has been worse for our health, Sugar or Trans Fats.  Trans Fats raise LDL B(that’s the bad, small, dense LDL), raise the Insulin response to blood glucose (= more insulin in circulation), lower testosterone, raise abnormal sperm, lower the ability of enzymes to do their conversions and work, increase free radicals, and if they get incorporated into cell membranes (and they will if you eat them), completely disrupt the membranes functions (and there’s a bunch).

* If a Food Product, like crackers, says 0 Grams Trans Fat – don’t believe it.  That cracker has to be held together by something, and it needs staying power on the shelf.  The FDA allows any Food Product that has LESS than a Half Gram/Serving to say 0 Trans Fats. This is criminal, it seems small and inconsequential – it’s NOT.  This really adds up dangerously.

Hope you can make Wednesday nights talk as I’ve got a whole lot more information on fats, plus I’m explaining how our body digests and uses them.  The more you know, the more power you have to make healthy decisions for yourself and your family.  For now, be smart and safe, Eat Real Whole Foods.

Workshops, Thyroid, and Iodine

bg a little lowI’ve got some great information on Thyroid today, but first I want to let you know that I’ve got 2 workshops/talks planned on Blood Sugar, and it’s relationship and effect on Weight, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Thyroid, and Mood.  The dates are Friday, August 23, 12-2, and Wednesday, August 28, 6-8pm,  the charge is $30/person, and the venue is the Marshall Community Center, 4133A Rectortown Rd, Marshall, Va.  This is literally right off Rt 66 exit, and very easy to find.  There’s plenty of parking and the room is big, so bring a friend or a family member if you’d like.

Why this topic?  Because Carbs/Glucose, blood sugar highs and lows,  effect weight, hormones, inflammation, mood/neurotransmitters, and literally every disease out there.  sugar rollercoasterIt really, really, really matters that you understand what blood sugar is, what your body does with it, and it’s very profound  effects.  The more you know, the better you can take care of yourself and your family.

Email me thru the contact page if you can attend.

On to Thyroid!

I’m going to bullet point some facts here:

Thyroid issues, hypo and hyper, affect millions of Americans; more people have thyroid issues than Diabetes.  The thyroid gland is in charge of your heart rate, body temp, blood pressure, growth, and the metabolism( rate of activity) for every single cell in your body.

Fixing issues involves MORE than just supplementing with thyroid hormone or suppressing the gland.  The Endocrine/Hormonal system is COMPLEX, and treating it as a “stand alone” issue isn’t smart.

The standard test for Thyroid Function is determining levels of TSH/thyroid stimulating hormone.  The thyroid doesn’t make this hormone, the Pituitary does.  It’s affected by the hypothalamus, BLOOD SUGAR, estrogen, iodine, gut function, and more.  So just supplying a little more thyroid hormone in the form of Synthroid or Armor often doesn’t address the Real Issue behind thyroid dysfunction.  Know anyone who has to constantly UP their meds because it doesn’t seem to be working?   The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists have been trying to get guidelines (think: Insurance paid for tests)  changed since 2003 to make the acceptable range of TSH smaller, 3 -5, and T3 and T4, active and inactive forms, tested. So far, in Main Stream Medical, it hasn’t happened.  However, there are SEVERAL doctors out there now, regular MDs who practice Functional and Alternative medicine, NDs, ODs, Chiropractors, and more, who WILL order the right tests for you.  Do a search of your area to find them.  There’s probably more than you think.  Anyway..

The Thyroid makes the hormones T4 and T3,  the “recipe” is Tyrosine and Iodine (T4 is tyrosine and 4 molecules of iodine, T3 has had one iodine knocked off).  T3 is called the “Active Form” of thyroid hormone, or what our cells actually use.  TSH levels DO NOT necessarily reflect  T3 and T4 levels!!!

The body has to convert T4 to T3, but many things can interfere with this:  proper gut bacteria are CRUCIAL to and directly involved with this conversion (gas/bloat/indigestion – you germsprobably have too much bad bacteria and not enough good),  and an imbalance of good and bad bacteria can lower thyroid function.

Cortisol (from physical or mental stress)  disrupts the T4 to T3 conversion, by blocking the enzyme that knocks off that extra iodine, and it also blocks the T3 receptor sites.

Estrogen dominance – a HUGE issue not just for women, but men, (soy, plastics, etc = estrogenic compounds) blocks receptor sites, making T3 unusable.

Don’t eat enough protein (tyrosine is an animo acid) or iodine containing foods?  What if you have poor digestion and eat foods containing tyrosine and iodine, but you have insufficient stomach acid and enzymes that allow you to breakdown and assimilate those nutrients? Your body won’t have the components to make good T4 and T3.

T4 becomes T3 in the LIVER (primarily, it also converts in the Kidney and Lungs – NOT in the Thyroid gland – weird huh).  If you have a “congested/slow/fatty” liver, from chemicals, sugar, alcohol, bad fats, toxins, etc, your liver function is compromised.

Leaky gut – from incomplete digestion of proteins – allows undigested protein into the blood stream.  The immune system sees these “foreign invaders” and mounts an attack.  Unfortunately, the attack often is directed to OTHER areas of the body (joints, pancreas..) like the Thyroid (Hashimotos).  ( here we are back to digestion and the gut)

Poor diet?  Too much sugar/flour, not enough fat and protein?  Welcome to zigzagging Blood Sugar, which increases Cortisol, which blocks T4 to T3 conversion.

On a diet? Low calorie diets INSTANTLY slow down Thyroid function – after all, the thyroid is supposed to monitor incoming calories and determine if a starvation situation is at hand, or everything’s normal.  If the thyroid suspects starvation, it slows down Metabolism to save your life.  This will come in handy if you get stranded on a boat or in a snowstorm. (you never know.)

I could go on and on and on, but do you get the point that your Thyroid isn’t an Island?  That dysfunction can be from so many other areas of the body, and that very very very possibly, you can fix and improve Thyroid Function thru Nutrition and Stress Control?

One more thing I want to talk about:  Iodine.
There’s some differing opinions on Iodine in Hashimotos, some say yes, some say no.  You’ll have to read and determine that for yourself (Chris Kressler and Dr. Brownstein are great places to start). kelp But as for Thyroid Health overall, Iodine is vitally important. Supplement form is good, but food is always best.  Eat your seafoods, and add seaweed, which is easy to get in any store now in dried forms.  It’s salty, cheap, delicious, and easy to throw in your salads or casseroles.  It has protective effects against cancer, and its vitally important to breast, prostate, eyes, and ovaries.  It’s also CRUCIAL to fetal, infant, and children’s developing brains.

Wow.  That’s enough for today. More on thyroid health when I give my talks.  Eat Real Whole Food!




Cholesterol Facts and Upcoming Talk

mouse drinking cokeI’m back from my Diabetes, Cholesterol, and Thyroid Seminar, oh my gosh was it fantastic!  Our speaker was a Dr. Kleber from Colorado, and not only was he smart as a whip, but he had a serious gift for public speaking.  He wowed us!

I’ve got a lot of information I want to pass on to you all, and some of it I’ll do in my blog posts.  However, I want to do a couple talks in the next 2 weeks so that if you live local, I can really help you understand why what you eat and how you live affects your blood sugar regulation, which affects not only your Weight, but your risk of Diabetes, Heart Disease, Thyroid issues and more. I’ll be posting those dates by tomorrow.

The more I learn, the more it’s drilled into me that it’s All About The Food.  We’re NOT deficient in pharmacuticals or over the counter medications like anti-inflammatories or antacids;  food breaks down to nutrients that build our body and our mind; it matters what we eat.  Let me rephrase that:  food has nutrients that build and repair us.  Repair, as in, fixing the damage from Heart Disease and Diabetes, and even auto-immune issues; repair as in switching your body from primairly burning sugar/glucose, to primarily burning fatty acids.

Here’s a few facts on Cholesterol and Heart Disease:

*75% of people who have Myocardial Infarctions/heart attacks, have NORMAL levels of LDL

*80% of people in the Framingham study (on-going since 1948, tens of thousands of men and women are participating) who have an “event” had cholesterol levels identical to the population that was/is event free.

* Cholesterol is a REALLY REALLY bad predictor of Heart Disease, but if it’s a certain number, your doctor will put you on a statin anyway.

There’s a test now, called the VAP test, I’ve had it, that measures the Particle Size and Density of your cholesterol.  This is important to know, and easy to get.  Cholesterol is mainly made in the liver, and the liver directs it to areas of damage or need (remember, it’s a Repair comfort w chocolate :winemolecule, a building block, and an Antioxidant).   But EVERY SINGLE CELL IN OUR BODY can and does make cholesterol.  Is this some giant mistake God made??  Is He sitting up there lamenting this design flaw?? NO.   If we didn’t have cholesterol plugging up our arteries after all the crap we put in our bodies to damage them, we’d have an arterial breakthru and die.  Instead, we have this NUTRIENT that the liver sends out time after time for years to plug and patch the trauma sites.  This adds years to our life. The bad side is these plaque patches get bigger and bigger, depriving the heart and brain of oxygen.

So why the VAP test?  What is this about particle size and density?  Isn’t it just about “good” cholesterol and “bad” cholesterol?  No.  It turns out there’s BAD HDL (yep), and non-damaging LDL.  The picture has changed in the past few years, but if your doctor is pushing a statin for a  total cholesterol value of 200, he’s still living in the past.  The VAP test is easy, and cheap, and most insurance companies are doing it.  ASK FOR IT, and if your doctor doesn’t know how to read it, find a doctor who does.

There are 5 types of HDL (that they know of now, one is a pretty recent discovery),  only 1 of them – HDL 2b, is highly Cardio Protective.  HDL 3b may actually be associated with an INcreased risk of heart disease.

What about LDL, the “bad” stuff?  If it’s high on your lipid profile, above 100, your doctor will want to put you on a statin to lower it, except….. Statins Don’t Lower LDL – statins lower TOTAL cholesterol.   (Some LDL cholesterol is actually a repair molecule anyway – why would we want to lower that?)   LDL size and density matters, a lot.  Big, fluffy LDLs do NO damage, small, dense LDL DOES.  The doctor said to think of the LDLs as beach balls or bowling balls going thru your arteries, banging into the arterial wall.  Which ones do you think would be a problem?

Here’s something super scary:  Beta Blockers(for heart disease), Thiazide and Loop Diuretics (for high blood pressure and edema), and Insulin (for diabetics who’s number one cause of death is heart disease)  all CAUSE A SHIFT IN LDL TO A SMALLER, DENSER FORM.  Hmmmm. far side vultures Aren’t people on those meds to make them “well”, but instead one of the side effects is potential arterial damage?

The worst LDL identified so far?  Lp (a), which is 10x more atherogenic than LDL-C.  Why would our body make Lp(a)?  Because it’s a REPAIR molecule for arteries; here’s the kicker:  if you have the NUTRIENTS available to fix the damage – Lp(a) WOULDN’T BE CALLED IN.   There’s also the whole “don’t cause any damage in the first place” argument too.

What damages arteries?  Sugar/flours/Glucose (toxic),  Insulin, Chemicals from: cigarettes, drugs, cleaning products, body care products, “food products”/i.e. fake foods; bad oils/hydrogenated oils, free radicals, cortisol from emotional stress, and homocysteine.

Can arterial damage be reversed or prevented?  Absolutely!! Again, it’s Food,( and supplements, and stress management, and exercise).  The choices we make everyday add up.  They matter.  A little Diet Soda here, a little pasta there, fried food at the fair, school lunches, weekly stops at the convenience store, Starbucks chemical coffees, too much beer, constant snacking,  etc etc.  It all adds up.  Everything we do matters.

Tomorrow I’ll have those dates for you, plus some interesting info on diabetes.  Eat Real Whole Foods!

Eggs and Cholesterol, are they Really Scary?

eggsI’ve had a few questions about Eggs recently; as in, are they really healthy?  and won’t they raise my cholesterol?  The short answers:  Yes,  and No.

Here’s more detail:

Why are people still scared of Eggs, one of Nature’s Super Foods?  Because in the early 1970’s, the American Heart Association declared the egg a threat to the heart.  Eggs contain about 270 mg of cholesterol, and our Food Scientists and Our Government had just decided we should eat no more than 300 mg of cholesterol a day.  Levels above 300 were considered DEADLY.

Hmmm.  The average human body uses about 1000mg a day.  Study after study after study has shown that DIETARY cholesterol (what we take in thru our mouths), has LITTLE TO NO EFFECT on Blood Cholesterol.   In 1999, the Journal of the American Medical Association stated: “We found NO evidence of an overall association between egg consumption and heart disease.”  THIS WAS IN 1999!!!! How many of your doctors seem aware of this?   This statement was made after a study of 118,000 people showed that PEOPLE WHO ATE 5 OR 6 EGGS PER WEEK HAD A LOWER RISK OF HEART DISEASE THAN THOSE WHO ATE 1 EGG PER WEEK.

There were earlier studies that showed damage from eggs, why?  Those studies used dried, powdered eggs: liquidized, pasteurized, and spray dried, all which oxidizes the cholesterol and damages the nutrients. Oh, and these studies were done on RABBITS.   Don’t use this to judge Real Eggs.

omletReal Eggs are a Nutritional Bonanza:  Lecithin, which helps the body digest fat and cholesterol, is a huge source of Choline, a B-like vitamin vital to the brain.  Eggs contain MANY antioxidants, including glutathione, which helps fight cancer, and the antioxidant carotenes Lutein and Zeaxanthin (more cancer fighting, and good for the eyes); eggs have a high concentration of Biotin, a B vitamin essential for hair, skin, and nerves (more than any food other than liver);  eggs contain Betaine, which is an amino acid that reduces Homocysteine, which causes atherosclerosis; eggs from Pastured Birds (that eat bugs and plants), contain loads of beta carotene, and they have nice amounts of Omega 3s(O3s are from green plants).  They also have more A and E, folic acid, lutein, and beta-carotene than indoor eggs.    Eggs are a great source of Fat and Protein, and very easy to digest.   Don’t throw out the yolks – that’s where most of the nutrients are!

But let’s get to the real issue, which is a fear of Cholesterol, right?  Even though we’ve all read several times by now that cholesterol probably isn’t near the factor in heart disease we’ve been led to believe, the 40 plus years of Brain Washing by the Pharmacutical Companies have taken effect.   Cholesterol lowering drugs are some of the most profitable drugs in the World.  Can you imagine if there was a Major Decision to quit reducing cholesterol?  Oh, the implications on Lipators bottom line……

We need to educate ourselves, and NOT depend on Big Pharma’s recommendations.  They’re in it for Profits, not our health.  Here’s some Cholesterol Facts:

Cholesterol is part of ALL cell membranes, with some cells consisting of 50% cholesterol.  Along with stable saturated fatty acids, cholesterol provides STRUCTURE and STABILITY to the cell:  nutrients can pass thru properly, and wastes can leave properly – this is IMPORTANT.  Cholesterol is an ANTIOXIDANT and HEALING SUBSTANCE.  This is the reason that when arteries are damaged (atherosclerosis) or the lungs are damaged (tuberculosis) cholesterol is PRESENT – it didn’t DO THE DAMAGE, it’s sent there to heal and patch.   Cholesterol is a large part of all your Fight and Flight hormones, which is why in times of stress, your blood cholesterol RISES:  your liver is making MORE cholesterol, and sending it to your adrenal glands to produce more cortisol.  It also rises when there’s any type of injury or illness:   your liver produces MORE because Cholesterol Is A Healing Substance.   CHOLESTEROL ALSO MAKES BILE ACIDS AND VITAMIN D.   Cholesterol is also a LARGE component of our Immune system, as it uses cholesterol to fight infections.

Cholesterol is part of the actual COMPOSITION of the Brain, the Nervous System, the Heart, the Liver, and the Kidneys.  It’s so vital to Brain Development, that defects in cholesterol metabolism cause mental retardation.  On that note, children under 2 DON’T produce enough; that’s why breast milk is LOADED.

The body wants to keep cholesterol levels steady (the body takes care of this – you don’t need too, I’m just explaining), so if you eat MORE, the liver makes LESS, and vise versa.

What damages the body that causes the liver to make more cholesterol?  Sugar and Refinedjunk food Carbs damage tissues; and the Insulin required to escort them out of the blood is VERY damaging to arteries (think of it like barbed wire coursing thru your arteries).  Toxins, from cigarettes, foods, pesticides, and body care products do damage to our cells.  High Fructose Corn Syrup’s very damaging to the liver.  Hydrogenated Oils and Omega 6s (vegetable oils) do a lot of damage to our arteries, organs, and brain.

Getting the picture?  Blaming cholesterol for your health problems is like blaming the firemen at the scene of the fire for the fire.  They’re there to do DAMAGE CONTROL, just like cholesterol.

Before I sign off, I just have to spend a moment on Statins and Other Cholesterol Lowering Drugs, and the connection between Cholesterol and Heart Disease.   About 25% of all adults over 45 are on a Statin/Cholesterol lowering drug, because they’ve been convinced, along with their doctors, that Cholesterol = Heart Disease/Clogged Arteries.  It’s Bull.  More than 50% of everyone who has a heart attack has NORMAL cholesterol levels, and people with low cholesterol often have heart attacks.  But let’s talk about these drugs, which several doctors and scientists say do a LOT more damage than good(here, here, here, for starters).  Studies show that Statins increase Coronary Plaque, that they cause Insulin Resistance, Hyperglycemia, Muscle and Joint pain, and they Interfere with the production of Steroid Hormones (fight/flight, and sex hormones), Vitamin D production, and Bile Acids (these break down fats in the gut).  Also, the cells that make cholesterol also produce CoQ10 – which is vital to EVERY CELL IN YOUR BODY.   Does this really sound like something you should take?  Or should you focus on REMOVING the substances that cause Damage:  sugar, flours, hydrogenated oils, Omega 6s, and toxins, and INCREASE your foods that heal and nourish, like eggs?

I included 3 links above to fantastic sites/books/podcasts with the latest information on cholesterol and heart disease.  vitamin donutsThere’s still such misinformation out there, and there will be a  friend/co-worker/family member who will castigate you for eating “too much cholesterol”.  Inform yourself – don’t just take my word for it.  Become educated to the point that when people make un-educated remarks, like “those eggs are going to kill you”, you have the right come back.  We need to take our health into our own hands.   It’s time to stop letting Big Pharma make decisions for us.  Read, learn, and become informed.  Make a difference in your life and your families life.