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Exercise on Vacation? YES!

me sprintingIt’s a beautiful morning at the Beach – Yes!  We had quite a bit of rain thru Tuesday, but all of us have managed to be outside – a lot – and prove the odd fact that burning is possible on cloudy days:)

I got a question about my workouts when I’m on vacation, actually, it was a comment that I must take a “vacation” from working out when I’m on vacation.  NEVER!  I LOVE to workout!  I feel stressed when I DON’T workout, and I’m lucky to have a husband who feels the same way, so when we travel, we workout together.  And when we Don’t travel together, we STILL workout.

By the way, have you seen how cute my husband is?me and mark


This week has been a “normal” workout-vacation/weekend away- workout routine:  lift every morning, do sprints a few times, ride bike and walk EVERYWHERE.  I rarely waste a moment on a cardio machine when I’m away, as I’m a huge sightseer and bike riding, walking enthusiast.  Seems like a more efficient use of gym time this way.

I haven’t talked too much about exercise, because I’m trying to drill in that when it come to health and weight, FOOD RULES.  All these years of Main Stream advice about  “burning calories through exercise”?  It’s not true.  Trust me.  Not only does science show this, but as of this date, July, 2013, I’ve worked in gyms for 26 years.  Exercise does not make you skinny, or cover up bad eating. Exercise can make you HEATLHY, and if you do the right things, it can give you a great shape, but you’ll never Out-Exercise a Bad Diet.  Ever.  What’s the typical calorie burn of an hour or so of exercise?  Maybe 400 calories?  There’s 3600 calories in a pound.  You won’t even access much fat for fuel if you have lots of sugar/glucose and insulin in your bloodstream (as in, you just ate a big bowl of cereal or oatmeal and then went to the gym).

That being said, I think Exercise is maybe one of the best, most fun things in the whole world! It’s a blessing and a gift from God.  I love my classes, I love my gym, I love my clients, I love to train, I love to move;  it all feels good to me.  When my kids were little, it was my escape.  Now that they’re older, it’s still my escape!  By the way, here’s a picture of me and girls from a couple months ago-


Want to know what I’ve been doing this week? Here’s the scoop:

Sunday – 13 sets of squats w dumbbells, 13 sets of chest (press from different angles) 4 sets of abs, biked almost an hour in the morning, and again after dinner

Monday – 13 sets of hamstrings (deadlifts and ham curls), 13 sets of biceps, 4 sets of abs, 8 driveway sprints (we’ve got a STEEP, but short hill) , biked almost an hour in the morning, and again after dinner

Tuesday – 13 sets of leg extensions/quads, 13 sets of shoulders (overhead presses, lat lifts, front delts, push ups),  4 sets planks,  bike rides in AM and PM

Wednesday – 10 sets of glutes (warrior 3 weighted squats, deadlifts, weighted glut squeezes), 14 sets of triceps (OH extensions, french presses, tricep pushups), 10 hill sprints, AM and PM bike rides

All my gym workouts have lasted between 30 and 40 minutes, short and sweet.

No great water workouts, because the water’s AWFUL!  We tried to paddle board yesterday, but between the wind and the waves, there’s not much fun to be had in the ocean.  It’s one of those years where almost no one’s in the water:(   Thank goodness for the pool:)

So that’s it in a nutshell.  Next week I have 4 days of a Nutritional Therapy Workshop in a hotel, I’ll be sure to post my food and workouts then too.

ps – have you checked out my What I’m Eating page?  I’m updating that every day I’m on vacation.


Workshop On Digestion, Blood Sugar, Stress/Cortisol, plus Paleo Particulars

I’m looking forward to meeting new friends and seeing old friends at the workshop today.  Topics will be Digestion, Blood Sugar Regulation, Stress/Cortisol, and some really good questions I’ve received on Paleo/Primal/WestonAPrice particulars.   And yes, this has everything to do with our weight and our health.

Please feel free to drop in if you haven’t registered, it’s a big room with plenty of chairs.

Location:  Marshall Community Center

Address: 4311A Rectortown Rd, Marshall Va 20115

Time:  6 -8pm

Cost: $30/person



I’m looking forward to meeting new friends and seeing old friends at the workshop today.  Topics will be Digestion, Blood Sugar Regulation, Stress/Cortisol, and some really good questions I’ve received on Paleo/Primal/WestonAPrice particulars.   And yes, this has everything to do with our weight and our health.

Please feel free to drop in if you haven’t registered, it’s a big room with plenty of chairs.

Location:  Marshall Community Center

Address: 4311A Rectortown Rd, Marshall Va 20115

Time:  1-3pm

Cost: $30/person

I’ll be presenting the same information, same place, next week,  Wednesday, June 5th, 6-8pm.

Iron Info and Lifestyle Thinking

I’m feeling all motivation this morning, so that’s coming.  First though, I’ve had a few run-ins, in just a few days, with people who are having either iron overload problems, or iron deficiency.   Iron absorption is a pretty big issue, and I just want to touch briefly on a few pointers and guidelines about it.

Iron plays a large part in the amount of oxygen that gets delivered to our muscles, brain, and tissues, but it’s also involved in metabolism, immune function, DNA synthesis, growth, and healing, among other  things.  It’s important.

Deficiency and Over-Sufficiency both come with pretty serious consequences.  Children and menstruating females are most likely to be Deficient, and men and menopausal women are more likely to have too much iron.   It’s important to keep an eye on your levels via regular blood tests.

Moms, kids tend to be iron deficient, as a matter of fact, it’s a fairly common problem with the SAD (standard american diet) that most kids are on.  It will affect their growth, energy and health, so remedying that is important.

Here’s a few tips:  iron comes in two forms,  “heme iron”, which is from animal sources, and “non heme iron”, which is from plant sources, and egg whites. (that’s simplistic, but accurate)  Heme iron is MUCH more absorbable and usable by the body than non heme.  Much more.  For instance, spinach is loaded with iron, but less than 2% of it’s iron is absorbed (the Popeye thing was misleading- he lifted heavy for those forearms!);  soybeans have more iron than red meat, but less than 7% of their iron is absorbed.popeye

If you are iron DEFICIENT, you’re going to need to add some meat protein, as that iron is highly absorbable, and there are other “co-factors” in meat that aid  absorption.   Vitamin C also SERIOUSLY increases iron absorption – by 4X!!

Phytates in grains and nuts, the mineral CALCIUM, and Tannins in teas and coffee INHIBIT iron absorption.

If you’re iron status is normal, just eat well rounded meals and the body takes care of itself.

If you have too much iron, then add the CALCIUM, the phytates from your nuts (you know how I feel about grains), and your coffee or tea to your meals containing iron.  They will all help prevent absorption.

Enough about Iron – on to Food!

Here’s my quote for the day:  “Make your health and your energy your priority, and then if you need to lose weight you will.”

Honestly, it’s not the other way around despite decades of hearing it put that way:  Lose weight and get healthy.  That doesn’t happen because when people try to lose weight, they go on DIETS.  Diets make people GAIN WEIGHT and become LESS HEALTHY.  Don’t believe me?   Statistics say that at least 95% of EVERYONE who goes on ANY kind of diet and loses weight will GAIN IT ALL BACK PLUS SOME.  Some stats say that the real number is 99%.

Diets imply a beginning and an end.  An effort that you’re going to make for a period of time to not eat too many calories, to consume certain foods, to shun other foods, and usually to exercise to “burn calories”.

The average dieter displays an enormous amount of strength to resist their normal routines and habits for a few days, or a few weeks, sometimes even a couple months, and then, whether jumping off ferris wheelthey lost weight or didn’t (which does happen), they get tired of the mental effort required to constantly fight their urges.  They give in/fall off the wagon, gain weight, mess up hormones, and re-ignite negative patterns that keep them on the Diet Ferris Wheel. (let’s not forget the self-hate that comes with the Diet Ferris Wheel.)

Don’t let this happen to you!  If you need to lose weight, put your time and focus on eating Real Whole Foods:  meats, healthy fats, TONS of vegetables, some fruit, some nuts, some dairy (if you tolerate them).  Try to skip the snacks, avoid flour and sugar products (blood sugar blues and triglyceride production),  let hours go between meals so that Glucagon(a fat burning hormone) can be released.   Put your mental energy on RWFs being a normal LIFESTYLE for you, not a temporary effort that may or may not result in weight loss that won’t last.

Take steps, do ACTIONS, that will have positive results:  shop, cook, plan your day in writing,  get to bed at a decent hour (the evidence linking lack of sleep and belly fat is HUGE), exercise or at least move – every day, drink tons of water;  in other words, work on your daily habits.  These steps will only sound like an effort until they’re just normal.  Does that make sense?

Work on deleting the Diet Mindset.  Work on habits that make your liver, your hormones, your immune system, your whole body,… run right.    Our body wasn’t made to run on crappy carbs, tons of sugar, and chemicals.  If you’re sick, tired, and overweight, there is a simple solution that’s 100% full proof and long term.  Eat Real Whole Foods.


Power Cooking – The Secret to being Lean and Healthy

I’m writing this blog on a Saturday, so I’ve got weekend plans on my mind.  Who thinks about Power Cooking on the weekends?   And what the heck is Power Cooking?   It’s a great idea to take advantage of any spare hour or two, whether it’s over the weekend, or any week day, to prep and cook for several meals.

Power Cooking is when you’ve made a menu idea of foods that could last you a week or longer between the fridge and freezer; and you get them “table ready” in a a couple of hours. These foods can be for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.   Here’s an example:

pulled chicken, pulled roast, pesto, giant salad, roasted potatoes, hardboiled eggs.

cooking mamaIf these were my menu ideas, I’d make an ingredient list, shop, and PLAN/write down in my to-do book an appointment for myself  to spend a couple of hours cooking.  Sometimes this is Sunday afternoon, sometimes it’s a weekday.  It depends on my work schedule, and my kids sports/school schedule.  But I always schedule it.   If I didn’t schedule it, I wouldn’t get to it.

If any kids are home and available, I get them to scrub vegetables/chop.  Usually, I do this alone, because for me, I’ve trained myself to think of Power Cooking as Me Time.  I prop a TV up on the counter, I pop in a DVD to a great series (right now I’m on season 3 of Justified), and I go to town.   Sometimes I listen to lectures or Podcasts instead.  Other friends I know listen to music and drink wine when they cook – whatever makes you happy and in-the-moment!

I ALWAYS have a PLAN Written down and Displayed on my counter, something like this:

-chicken in pot to boil ( this cooks/simmers for hours, till it’s shreddable)paleo comfort foods

-S&P roast, wrap in foil, pop in oven at 200* for 24 Hours – set timer

(shred tomorrow, freeze half immediately)

-hard boil a dozen eggs to keep in fridge

-wash and cook 8 potatoes, 4 sweet, 4 white   (these last forever – I either

cut/dice/saute in butter, or split, fill, and twice bake)

-make basic salad to fill largest plastic container ( all my girls, and I, eat a lot of salad;  in the winter, I tend to cut and roast a lot of vegetables instead)

-make a favorite pesto recipe,  to be used on potatoes, or meat, or on eggs, or in salad

paleo book elenaSometimes I’ll make a actual recipe (casserole, dish), pop that in the fridge, and reheat on a particular night.  I was doing that a LOT for a while when all my kids were home.  I’ve learned from the Food Channel that flavors actually intensify over a few days in the fridge.  So night’s we’d get in late from a practice or game, all I’d have to do is pull the pan/pot from the fridge and warm it up.

Why all the effort?  Why’d I spend Focus Time on thinking of cooking as enjoyable, and Me Time?  Because food is that important to my health, my weight, and my families health – and their MOODS! I’ve got 4 daughters;  the amount of estrogen in this house is huge.  The last thing I need is to stoke any emotional fires by feeding my kids a diet of sugar, refined carbs, and chemicals.  Seriously.  And that goes for me too.

Looking for some fun recipes?  Try,, primal, or any one of hundreds of sites on the web.   IMPORTANT:  if your time is limited, set a timer as to how long you let yourself browse recipe sites, because it can be quite additive.

Feed your body the nutrients it wants to build your brain, your muscles, your immune system, your hormones, ……. your health.   What we eat matters.  Eating – and cooking – Real Whole Foods,  is important.

Which Butter is Best?

Here’s a great question that someone asked me recently…
Hi Debbie, I have been using Smart Balance Light Butter & Canola Oil Blend (spreadable). I am wondering if this is a good choice for me (it contains polyunsaturated fat).  I have high cholesterol.
Fat content: Total – 5gsmart balance
Saturated – 2g
Trans – 0
Polyunsaturated – 1g
Monounsaturated – 2.5g
Ingredients (in order) are water, butter, canola oil, 2% buttermilk powder, fish oil, plant sterols, salt, lactic acid, distilled monoglycerides, natural flavor, pectin, PGPR, potassium sorbate, vitamin A palmitate, beta carotene color. It looks good because the fat content is low ( and we’ve been led to believe that important); also, the Canola Oil Lobby has done an incredible job promoting their product as healthy.  I don’t think it is and here’s why.
Canola Oil is an Omega 6 oil, that means it’s “poly-unsaturated”.  Our body needs PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids), that’s what Omega 3s are.  But of all the oils, their chemical structure is the most UNSTABLE.  This matters.  Unstable fats are 100% prone to damage in the presence of heat and light and oxygen (unlike Saturated fat, which is HIGHLY stable).  The body will use damaged fats to build cell walls and cell membranes if we eat them.  Imagine building a brick building with rocks from the drive way and trying to make it work.  Is that a good picture?The ONLY way to “expel” the oil from the seed of the canola (actually the plant is called RapeSeed, they call the oil canola to make it sound more pleasant), is ….thru heat. Period.  So when it gets to the bottle, it’s already damaged.  If you’re cooking with it, you’re damaging it even more.
Let’s look at the rest of the ingredients in the artificial butter-like spread product.  Buttermilk powder:  when you see this, or skim milk powder, which legally does NOT have to be identified when added to milk products,  know that it’s Oxidized.  Oxidized Fats are super super bad for us.  They damage artery walls.  Talk about skyrocketing LDL levels. Distilled Monoglycerides:  this is fascinating.  Mono and Di-glycerides are Hydrogenated Palm Oil.  As in , it’s a Hydrogenated Fat. (bad bad bad).  But when the chemists who discovered how to do it went for their patent, they applied for it as an EMULSIFIER, not as a hydrogenated fat.  So when you see mono and diglycerides on the ingredient label, they do NOT have to be included in the fat identification.  Ugh.  Thank you FDA.  Natural Flavor: read MSG and a TON of chemicals  (how else do you make butter flavor out of thin air?)  PGPR: an emulsifier from psycho showercastor beans usually used to make cheaper chocolates thin and viscous.  Moussalini force fed this to prisoners to give them dirrehea and stomach problems to make them talk.  I guess food scientists are just always keeping their ear to the ground for inventive ways to use neat products.  Potassium Sorbate:  this has a GRAS (generally recognized as safe) status, because the FDA says we would only see side effects (nausea and migraines) with long term use. Hmmmm. What the heck do they consider “long term use”?  Go back and look at the ingredient list for Butter (….. cream….).
 Compare that to this “healthy, low fat, butter substitute”.  And finally, to partially address the “I have high cholesterol” and since this contains PUFAs, it must be good, right? Read this:  There is NO Good Scientific Link Between Healthy Saturated Fats and High Cholesterol.
Cholesterol is going to be another email unto it’s self, so I’ll just point you in a couple of directions if you’re really interested:  go on or and put cholesterol into their search bar.  Look at the research instead of listening to marketing via pharmaceutical makers.
Back to this product and cholesterol.  There’s damaged, oxidized buttermilk that raises cholesterol, there’s damaged PUFAs that raise cholesterol, and there’s chemicals that go thru the body and cause damage, and that raises cholesterol. Cholesterol is used by the body as a healing substance.  Seriously.  God did not make a giant mistake when He designed our bodies so that almost EVERY SINGLE CELL we have produces cholesterol.  And the liver produces tons.  Where there is INFLAMMATION, from Insulin, from Sugar, from Chemicals, and from Damaged Fats, the liver sends CHOLESTEROL to patch or fix it…….Reread that last paragraph.
food:medicineYou want lower cholesterol?  Quit eating sugar and processed carbs, quit eating chemicals, and quit eating bad fats.
Want to lose weight?  Quit eating sugar and processed carbs, quit eating chemicals, and quit eating bad fats.
Want to get healthy?  Quit eating sugar and processed carbs, quit eating chemicals, and quit eating bad fats.
Eat Real Whole Foods.