Take Your Health Into Your Own Hands

Did anyone hear that President Bush had a stent put in the other day?  Has anyone heard of a Cardiologist by the name of Dr. Thomas Dayspring?  Here’s a smidge of his bio:dr thomas dayspring

Thomas Dayspring, MD FACP, FNLA, NCMP

Director of Cardiovascular Education at Foundation for Health Improvement and Technology (FHIT),  Wayne, New Jersey (Greater New York City Area) ,   Medical Practice.

He’s a Paleo Diet promoting doctor, who thinks standard medical advice to prevent and treat heart disease is creating more heart disease.  Here’s a blurb from a whole article he just wrote on President Bush’s stent:

“I submit the following graphic for your “dining” pleasure. In 1977 the US Government on the advice of Senator George McGovern’s committee advised new dietary recommendations where fats were to be drastically reduced and whole grains and complex carbs were to be the new miracle food: this was incorporated into USDA Dietary Guidelines in 1980 and into the Food Pyramid in 1992. Follow the incidence of obesity in the US since the introduction of the low fat, high carb diet – remembering also that any food low in fat and cholesterol regardless of sugar content gets the AHA seal of approval. Note that within ten years of those recommendations there was an explosion of obesity (orange bar).  ”


Wow!  Check out the yellow blocks vs the orange blocks.  Standard/Mainstream advice has been a TOTAL FAIL.  For the whole article, check here.

If you’d like to listen to one of his podcasts, check here and here.  I hope you read, and I hope you listen.  If you really really want to change your health, improve your health, lose weight, and feel good, then it’s really all up to YOU to educate YOURSELF.  Don’t wait for your doctor, or me, to tell you what to do.  Be proactive, get to know how the body is supposed to work, and learn what works for you.  Take control of your health, take control of your children’s health.  No one else will care as much as you do.  Knowledge is power.



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